text32999;"""I rolled to the side, reached out, and didn't find Himitsu.""" text33000;"""The back room was still half-dark but it was easy to tell the sun was rising outside.""" text33001;"""I got up with some effort, shivered at the cold, and walked to the kitchen.""" text33002;"""There, everyone was preparing for opening: the kitchen hands were running back and forth, the water in the pots was boiling, I could hear the joyful сlinking of lids and the rhythmic sound of knives hitting the boards, and the entire room drowned in appetizing aromas.""" text33003;"""Niko-kun!""" text33004;"""Himitsu was standing at the stove with a pan in her hands.""" text33005;"""What time is it…?""" text33006;"""Six o'clock in the morning. I let you sleep longer.""" text33007;"""What are you doing?""" text33008;"""I decided to help Kagome-san — after all, we're indebted to her.""" text33009;"""Kagome-san?""" text33010;"""Here goes!""" text33011;"""I didn't even know what annoyed me more: the fact that she was addressing Kagome so casually or that Iwamura had put Himitsu at work early in the morning.""" text33012;"""Yeah, alright, fine…""" text33013;"""I yawned and scratched my fresh stubble.""" text33014;"""Get out of the way!""" text33015;"""Kagome dexterously slipped under my arm.""" text33016;"""And what would you have me do?""" text33017;"""Don't know. Just sit and… wait!""" text33018;"""Himitsu only smiled apologetically.""" text33019;"""I walked into the dining hall where a lonely old man sitting behind a table caught my attention.""" text33020;"""Good morning.""" text33021;"""Huh?""" text33022;"""He raised his head and looked around with half-blind eyes, unable to see me.""" text33023;"""Good morning!""" text33024;"""I repeated in a louder voice.""" text33025;"""Good morning. You must be Kagome-chan's friend?""" text33026;"""Something like that.""" text33027;"""It must've been her grandfather — he seemed to be too old to be her father.""" text33028;"""Without asking for permission, I sat opposite to him.""" text33029;"""Years taking their toll…""" text33030;"""He smiled sadly, and there was much more mental clarity in his eyes than I was expecting.""" text33031;"""My wife and I used to run this restaurant together, and now I can't even see what's happening right under my nose.""" text33032;"""Thank you for taking care of Kagome-chan!""" text33033;"""He said in an overly polite manner and tilted his head forward.""" text33034;"""No need…""" text33035;"""Seriously, what kind of care was he talking about!?""" text33036;"""We're grateful for letting us stay the night.""" text33037;"""She's never been good with people. Has her mother's character! You'd have trouble finding someone as stubborn as she was!""" text33038;"""Kagome's grandfather continued, either not hearing or just ignoring me like old people do.""" text33039;"""Although had Shinji not met her, Kagome-chan wouldn't have been born…""" text33040;"""Whatever happens, happens for the best!""" text33041;"""I guess.""" text33042;"""I just didn't know how to reply.""" text33043;"""A lot of sorrow in you I see. A lot of thoughts, doubts and hesitation, unexpressed desires, and unfulfilled ambitions.""" text33044;"""What was he, master Yoda?!""" text33045;"""…""" text33046;"""Those truly free are those with freedom in their hearts, not those weighed down by their connection to the mundane.""" text33047;"""Grandad, enough, leave him alone! They won't be here long.""" text33048;"""Kagome apparently heard our conversation as she passed by.""" text33049;"""Sorry, sometimes he gets carried away.""" text33050;"""No worries…""" text33051;"""You're just a set of fresh ears for him to yap into.""" text33052;"""Truly wise is the one who listens much, not the one who much talks, Kagome-chan.""" text33053;"""Then you definitely aren't Confucius!""" text33054;"""She smirked and returned to the kitchen.""" text33055;"""There's no respect for elders anymore…""" text33056;"""He lamented, while I quietly stood up and bowed slowly.""" text33057;"""I should go…""" text33058;"""You've got an interesting grandfather… And where's your dad?""" text33059;"""Kagome was skilfully chopping cabbage.""" text33060;"""Why do you want to know?""" text33061;"""Christ, I just asked!""" text33062;"""After… after the incident with Kobayashi Corporation it's better for him to not show up here for a while.""" text33063;"""True enough. Thanks again for letting us stay.""" text33064;"""It's fine! Besides, your girlfriend has been a great help. She should be a cook.""" text33065;"""Definitely.""" text33066;"""Himitsu was looking at us, confused.""" text33067;"""You aren't suspicious of her anymore?""" text33068;"""Maybe.""" text33069;"""She put the knife away and took a moment to think.""" text33070;"""To be honest, I don't want anyone else to suffer from this damned Corporation. And if I can help somehow…""" text33071;"""Like most unsociable, insecure people, Kagome seemed to need a while to get to know a person — and only then could she communicate with them normally.""" text33072;"""I just sighed in response and threw a piece of pickled plum in my mouth.""" text33073;"""The breakfast the girls made was truly fit for a king.""" text33074;"""That's probably how they serve a buffet in five-star hotels: dishes for all tastes, a huge choice of drinks, fresh fruits, and sweets.""" text33075;"""I wondered how Kagome managed to stay so slim facing a temptation like this on a daily basis.""" text33076;"""I was eating so much it was like I'd just finished fasting for a month.""" text33077;"""Niko-kun…""" text33078;"""Himitsu put some vegetable salad on my plate.""" text33079;"""I cooked this.""" text33080;"""Those vegetables tasted like… vegetables.""" text33081;"""I ate some out of respect for her and got back to the pork patty — I hadn't eaten a tastier one in my life!""" text33082;"""Did you also make this one too?""" text33083;"""No. And it's unhealthy to eat so much red meat!""" text33084;"""If the mind is healthy, so is the body. And I can see the young man has no problems with his appetite.""" text33085;"""Yes, but…""" text33086;"""It's a restaurant, after all. We always cook more than we need.""" text33087;"""But that's not what I'm worried about!""" text33088;"""Himitsu threw her arms in the air.""" text33089;"""What are you worried about?""" text33090;"""Fine, eat your meat then!""" text33091;"""She realized that nobody at the table shared her worries regarding my diet and gave up.""" text33092;"""When we were done with breakfast, I called Himitsu over for a talk.""" text33093;"""We need to clean the dishes.""" text33094;"""They can do it by themselves — you didn't volunteer to be their dishwasher!""" text33095;"""I got tired of all this, so I grabbed her by the hand and took her outside.""" text33096;"""Niko-kun…""" text33097;"""So.""" text33098;"""By now the sun was high in the sky and had warmed the waking trade district with its rays.""" text33099;"""We could hear the shouts from the seaport, ship horns, and the noises of the loading cranes — sailors always start their days earlier than other people.""" text33100;"""A cool breeze was blowing from the ocean — it was refreshing and helped me gather my thoughts.""" text33101;"""The summer sun shines too brightly — it's blinding, scorches the earth, and even penetrates the rare oases of shadow.""" text33102;"""You dissolve in this intensity of white light and lose yourself.""" text33103;"""In winter, snow glistens in the sun, covering everything in a shining carpet.""" text33104;"""In spring, it gets warm too early in Japan — so then, only in autumn can you see the world for how it really is, not drowned in the light of our star.""" text33105;"""Niko-kun?""" text33106;"""I just got lost in thought… Are you sure you want to go back home? Alone…?""" text33107;"""To be honest, I thought that her plan was correct. Moreover, it was the only possible way forward.""" text33108;"""But that didn't make me any less worried.""" text33109;"""Are you sure this Irina can be trusted?""" text33110;"""No, I'm not. But what else can we do? Hiding from the Japanese government in Japan is like looking for the safest corner in a lion's cage.""" text33111;"""Himitsu smiled and took me by the hand.""" text33112;"""Dad isn't going to guard the house.""" text33113;"""And what if his people are there?""" text33114;"""I have been living there my entire life, you know – I know how to enter and leave without being noticed.""" text33115;"""Alright…""" text33116;"""It's not like I was afraid to entrust her with such an important task, right?""" text33117;"""Alright, I'll wait for you here.""" text33118;"""For luck.""" text33119;"""Himitsu wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me tightly.""" text33120;"""The first visitors coming to the Gifts of the Sea for breakfast looked warily at the two teenagers kissing right at its doorstep.""" text33121;"""…""" text33122;"""Amongst all the things I hated in my life, stupidity and waiting stood out.""" text33123;"""The stupidity thing is self-explanatory, but being unaware of a situation and unable to influence events important to you is also unbearable.""" text33124;"""Himitsu had left just an hour ago, but to me it seemed to have already been an eternity.""" text33125;"""I was walking back and forth like a guard dog watching the restaurant.""" text33126;"""You'll scare all my customers off like that!""" text33127;"""Kagome tried to shoo me inside a few times, but I just couldn't stay in one place.""" text33128;"""Finally, two hours later, Himitsu returned. She didn't look worried or frightened.""" text33129;"""Well? How did it go? All good?""" text33130;"""Yes, everything's fine.""" text33131;"""She handed me a moderately thick folder filled with documents.""" text33132;"""Has anybody noticed you? Your father?""" text33133;"""No, Niko-kun, everything's fine. It seemed that there wasn't even anyone at home.""" text33134;"""Even then…""" text33135;"""It had been suspiciously easy.""" text33136;"""I decided not to share my worries with her, but I felt a strain I couldn't explain — as I if I were about to perform in a room full of people for the first time.""" text33137;"""Let's see what's in there.""" text33138;"""We sat behind a table in the corner. I placed the documents on it, and Himitsu brought a teapot and two cups from the kitchen.""" text33139;"""I see you're all used to the place!""" text33140;"""Kagome-san allowed it!""" text33141;"""I'm just joking.""" text33142;"""The folder contained files with information on various people — the sort you'd see in detective shows: a photo in the upper corner (not all the files had it), a short biography, and brief description of their work with the Project.""" text33143;"""Catherine's mother was there, too…""" text33144;"""Sheryl Winters — an American diplomat, an employee of the department of Cultural Connections between Japan and the US.""" text33145;"""Cultural connections, yeah right!""" text33146;"""I snickered under my breath and Himitsu looked at me, puzzled.""" text33147;"""Studied at… Married in…""" text33148;"""Now, that was interesting!""" text33149;"""Oversees U.S. presence in the Project, use of U.S. technologies and resources, directly subordinated to the CIA.""" text33150;"""The CIA! So Mrs Winters wasn't one to trifle with.""" text33151;"""I also found a file on Kagome's father, but for some reason I didn't want to read about him — probably out of respect or gratitude for Kagome.""" text33152;"""I turned the page and came across something I didn't want to see at all… a photo of my father.""" text33153;"""He was looking at the camera and smiling, young and full of energy.""" text33154;"""The photo was seemingly taken when he arrived in Japan.""" text33155;"""A black and white face frozen in the past, the face of a person who had no idea he only had ten years left to live.""" text33156;"""Let me.""" text33157;"""Himitsu took the folder from me and started reading:""" text33158;"""An engineer, specialization: rocket science. Got a degree at… Immigrated to Japan in 1976, was working in the department of prospective projects of Kobayashi Corporation, suspectedly — a Soviet spy.""" text33159;"""Despite the fact that during the period of employment in the USSR our agents were working on him for a long period of time, counter intelligence has a sufficient evidential basis to assume Anokhin has been working for the Soviet secret service.""" text33160;"""Recruitment and his following emigration may have been planned by the department of foreign intelligence of the USSR's KGB.""" text33161;"""So my father was a spy too…?""" text33162;"""I found that hard to believe.""" text33163;"""On the one hand, I could clearly imagine my father in the role, but what I couldn't accept was the fact that he'd been puting our entire family in danger for so many years.""" text33164;"""In the end, he died and took mom with him…""" text33165;"""Niko-kun…""" text33166;"""Go on.""" text33167;"""Anokhin and his family have been put under surveillance. Agent responsible: Ito.""" text33168;"""Himitsu went silent.""" text33169;"""It's alright.""" text33170;"""I understand… I just can't get used to it.""" text33171;"""Think of it as reading a fairy tale! Remember, like we did as kids? The stories I read to you…""" text33172;"""Barely.""" text33173;"""Well excuse me!""" text33174;"""Himitsu took a sip of tea and continued:""" text33175;"""Although no definitive proof has been found of Anokhin's communication with Soviet intelligence, maintained surveillance is recommended.""" text33176;"""And the date below: February 2, 1986.""" text33177;"""So then, a few months before my parents' death, the Japanese had no plans to eliminate them…""" text33178;"""Perhaps Ito was telling the truth when he swore he had nothing to do with that \""accident\"".""" text33179;"""Niko-kun…?""" text33180;"""Alright, I'll go from here.""" text33181;"""I also found a file on Ichinose in the folder, but it didn't contain anything interesting.""" text33182;"""White and relatively new sheets were mixed with old, yellowed pages with different colored stickers on them.""" text33183;"""Ito was extremely meticulous and consistent — there was as much information collected on each person as possibly could be.""" text33184;"""There was even a separate page dedicated to me — unfortunately, it was half empty.""" text33185;"""I smirked.""" text33186;"""What an interesting thing to realize: my whole life amounted to a couple paragraphs attached to my father's detailed biography.""" text33187;"""Although I was only eighteen…""" text33188;"""Alright.""" text33189;"""I closed the folder and tied a string tightly around it.""" text33190;"""It's time to call my compatriots!""" text33191;"""I'm going with you.""" text33192;"""No way!""" text33193;"""Himitsu opened her eyes wide and put on the expression of an offended child.""" text33194;"""I trusted you with an important mission — now I need you to trust me!""" text33195;"""Although, of course, my trust was based solely on intuition.""" text33196;"""Why hadn't the Russians intercepted Himitsu when she was walking back with the documents?""" text33197;"""I'd just been hoping they wouldn't dare attack the daughter of a prominent Japanese intelligence agent.""" text33198;"""And that turned out to be the case.""" text33199;"""However, there was no need for Himitsu to know about these thoughts of mine!""" text33200;"""Fine…""" text33201;"""She pouted but relented.""" text33202;"""…""" text33203;"""I walked some distance away from the restaurant (although that barely made any sense) and called the Russians from a telephone box.""" text33204;"""The same male voice replied.""" text33205;"""Hello.""" text33206;"""I have the documents.""" text33207;"""Same place as yesterday.""" text33208;"""In reality, I only took a few pages from my father's file — as proof we really did have the documents.""" text33209;"""Besides, I had a few questions for Irina concerning the contents.""" text33210;"""I sat behind the table of the same ramen shop and ordered soba, just out of decency. I wasn't hungry at all.""" text33211;"""Irina appeared after about half an hour.""" text33212;"""Was Himitsu followed?""" text33213;"""I asked immediately, skipping all the unnecessary greetings.""" text33214;"""She looked at me thoughtfully for some time and then replied in as serious a tone:""" text33215;"""We haven't noticed anyone. Where are the documents?""" text33216;"""This will do for an example.""" text33217;"""I pushed the paper to her.""" text33218;"""The young woman spent a long time reading it, like it was written in an unfamiliar language.""" text33219;"""Sometimes Irina would push a loose strand of hair away. Looking at this simple gesture, you could be forgiven for thinking there was just a normal Russian girl sitting across from you, a beauty who posed no danger whatsoever.""" text33220;"""But then she turned over the sheet to be sure that she didn't miss anything and raised her eyes to me, full of cold suspicion.""" text33221;"""Interesting. Even more interesting is that you brought exactly this with you. Not that your feelings have anything to do with our business, of course.""" text33222;"""Is what's written there true?""" text33223;"""She squinted and leaned on the table.""" text33224;"""The truth is what the majority believes. When you do this for long enough, you begin to understand that really is the case.""" text33225;"""So, history is written by the victors?""" text33226;"""If that's the way you want to put it.""" text33227;"""Still… I think I deserve some answers.""" text33228;"""Do you want to know whether your father really was a Soviet spy, sent to Japan with the goal of infiltrating Kobayashi Corporation?""" text33229;"""And whether he had to hand over secret Soviet research to the Japanese in order to gain their trust?""" text33230;"""And whether we were risking the Soviet rocket program for a vague chance at knowing our enemy's plans?""" text33231;"""Well I wasn't thinking about it in that much detail…""" text33232;"""I think you've already answered your own question.""" text33233;"""So Irina was implying that for the KGB the game wasn't worth the candle.""" text33234;"""I know Ito, and it's hard for me to believe that in so many years he never realized he was spying on the wrong person!""" text33235;"""I repeat: the truth is what you want to believe. Ito really wanted to believe your father was a spy.""" text33236;"""But I still couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that a professional like Ito could make that kind of mistake.""" text33237;"""Tell me honestly, if it was the truth, would you have told me?""" text33238;"""Irina pushed her eyebrows together and puckered her lips as if someone had put frozen cranberries in her ramen.""" text33239;"""I protect my country. If your father had been dangerous, he would pose a threat to it.""" text33240;"""That was another reason to fear the KGB — it was likely they had been the ones to organize the car accident!""" text33241;"""Your answer doesn't inspire confidence.""" text33242;"""I didn't come here to prove anything to you! You have the information, and we can arrange what you need.""" text33243;"""Then how will we do it?""" text33244;"""Tomorrow, at 6 in the morning, a car will come to the restaurant where you're hiding and pick you up. You will receive further instructions then.""" text33245;"""Understood.""" text33246;"""Well, if that's understood…""" text33247;"""She smirked, stood up, and walked away without saying goodbye.""" text33248;"""There was still something wrong about this whole story… Very wrong!""" text33249;"""Those secret documents left in plain view — just come and grab them!""" text33250;"""Ito, who for ten years was, so to say, waging the wrong war.""" text33251;"""Chekists, who missed Himitsu and an opportunity to get the documents they needed without any hassle.""" text33252;"""My life was becoming a surreal comedy of errors.""" text33253;"""I walked along the waterfront for a few hours, trying to gather my thoughts.""" text33254;"""Buddhist philosophy insists on not worrying about the things you can't change.""" text33255;"""But for me it had always been unbearable to wait for an event I couldn't influence and whose outcome I wasn't sure of.""" text33256;"""Just like a prisoner before his execution.""" text33257;"""Somewhere deep inside he still believes his appeal might be approved, even though his mind tells him there's no chance.""" text33258;"""I returned to the restaurant almost at dinner time.""" text33259;"""Himitsu immediately pounced on me:""" text33260;"""Niko-kun! Where have you been? I was worried!""" text33261;"""Oh, right, sorry…""" text33262;"""It was very typical for me to get lost in my own thoughts and forget about others.""" text33263;"""You're doing it again?!""" text33264;"""No, I just needed to think…""" text33265;"""You could think here!""" text33266;"""She pouted and walked to the kitchen.""" text33267;"""Himitsu-chan!""" text33268;"""Came after her.""" text33269;"""Well, at least someone wasn't wasting time…""" text33270;"""I mumbled and walked after her.""" text33271;"""The evening was passing slowly.""" text33272;"""I told Himitsu about the meeting with Irina but decided not to share my suspicions.""" text33273;"""The restaurant was living its normal life: guests were coming and going, eating, drinking, having fun, and laughing. The cooks were working busily, pushing each other to work faster. Tiny, nimble waitresses were running around, flashing a professional smile to every visitor.""" text33274;"""Himitsu found a job for herself and was helping the cooks, and I could only observe the cohesive work of the Gifts of the Sea's staff.""" text33275;"""It somehow resembled one huge organism, a leviathan processing its visitors.""" text33276;"""They entered here hungry and ill tempered, then left full and happy.""" text33277;"""But the seemingly simple process of cooking dishes and serving guests in fact required a lot of diligence and organization.""" text33278;"""I sighed again and returned to my own problems.""" text33279;"""Now it was completely obvious I couldn't leave the documents to Kyosuke — unlike Himitsu, his life had no value for the Russians.""" text33280;"""So I needed to find another person that wouldn't raise any suspicions.""" text33281;"""In other words, a stranger…""" text33282;"""Which was doubly difficult given that even my acquaintances could be counted on one hand.""" text33283;"""Finally, it was the time to close the restaurant.""" text33284;"""Kagome kindly saw off the late drinkers and, wiping sweat from her forehead, said:""" text33285;"""The more they drink the more profitable it is for us, sure, but honestly…""" text33286;"""I just smirked and looked at the empty lounge.""" text33287;"""Without visitors, it looked dirty and even abandoned.""" text33288;"""Need help with cleaning?""" text33289;"""I don't even know… You might do more harm than good.""" text33290;"""Oh, stop it! What can I do? Set the whole place on fire?""" text33291;"""Fine then, assistant-kun…""" text33292;"""She smirked and threw a rag at me.""" text33293;"""I'd never thought cleaning could be so tiresome!""" text33294;"""I felt exhausted as if I'd played ninety minutes of football.""" text33295;"""Although it took just about as along.""" text33296;"""We finished past midnight.""" text33297;"""Well, damn…""" text33298;"""What did you expect?""" text33299;"""Kagome was grinning, clearly proud of herself.""" text33300;"""Fine, you win! Shall I give you a medal?""" text33301;"""Niko-kun, stop it!""" text33302;"""Okay, okay, I'm done.""" text33303;"""I responded, disappointed.""" text33304;"""That argument — although it wasn't clear who was arguing and with whom — was lost.""" text33305;"""Well, we should arrange a proper farewell dinner. Gifts of the Sea never forgets good deeds!""" text33306;"""Kagome's grandfather appeared out of the blue, as if he had been hiding somewhere the whole day.""" text33307;"""Granddad, enough! We're tired!""" text33308;"""Come on, Kagome-chan, let the young ones try real Japanese delicacies for the last time. The recipes passed down from generation to generation in the Akira family.""" text33309;"""We would love to but…""" text33310;"""We'll be very happy to!""" text33311;"""Sunshine, come on…""" text33312;"""I whispered, protesting.""" text33313;"""We can't refuse — it would be impolite!""" text33314;"""Oh…""" text33315;"""However, the old man wasn't lying!""" text33316;"""Sashimi, sushi, Kobe beef, salted watermelon, and a bottle of sake.""" text33317;"""After a couple of glasses, the old man's cheeks turned pink, and he started telling stories about his youth.""" text33318;"""Stories that had nothing out standing about them, identical to the stories every Japanese old man of his age has.""" text33319;"""Soon he fell asleep, crossing his arms over his chest and lowering his head.""" text33320;"""Old people can sleep in any position, place, or situation.""" text33321;"""I poured more sake in my glass and immediately caught Himitsu staring daggers at me.""" text33322;"""Can't let the good stuff go to waste, right?""" text33323;"""Wonderful!""" text33324;"""She grabbed her own glass, previously barely touched, and emptied it in a single go.""" text33325;"""I wasn't sure if Himitsu had tried sake before…""" text33326;"""Well, how is it?""" text33327;"""It's disgusting! How do you even drink that?""" text33328;"""Kagome, who had been mostly silent, suddenly laughed happily.""" text33329;"""You two really suit each other!""" text33330;"""Why's that?""" text33331;"""Niko-kun!""" text33332;"""I mean, what made you say so?""" text33333;"""I can just tell.""" text33334;"""What's our future going to be, though…""" text33335;"""Didn't you say you arranged everything?""" text33336;"""I arranged leaving Japan. But I still don't know what to do when we get to the USSR.""" text33337;"""And what's the problem?""" text33338;"""The problem is that as soon as we walk off the plane, they'll demand these documents. I need to leave them in Japan, but I don't know who to trust them with.""" text33339;"""Kagome gave it some thought and then said slowly:""" text33340;"""I can help.""" text33341;"""You've already helped enough. Besides, it's dangerous — the KGB needs these documents, and the Japanese will want them back.""" text33342;"""After they let my father go, I don't think I'm in danger.""" text33343;"""Why is that?""" text33344;"""Because… There are reasons I don't want to talk about.""" text33345;"""I quickly thought through my other options, but it turned out that I simply had none.""" text33346;"""I can't ask you this.""" text33347;"""I know.""" text33348;"""She smiled and in an instant I heard Himitsu's drunk shout:""" text33349;"""Niko-kun! Of course we owe a lot to Kagome-san, but behave yourself!""" text33350;"""How could she get so drunk from a single glass of sake?!""" text33351;"""God, it felt like I was reading a shitty manga!""" text33352;"""Alright, I think we better go to sleep…""" text33353;"""I told Kagome.""" text33354;"""Try to be quieter this time.""" text33355;"""It was hard to hide my embarrassment.""" text33356;"""Blame her…""" text33357;"""I dragged Himitsu to the back room, where I put her on the futon, and she immediately fell asleep."""