text26951;"""I was dreaming that Catherine and I were driving along the Great Canyon, fearlessly looking out into the abyss.""" text26952;"""I was sitting behind the wheel of the kind of open-top SUV you'd see in movie set on the savannah, with Catherine next to me in the passenger's seat.""" text26953;"""The day was unbelievably hot, I was wearing an off-white burlap shirt and a pith helmet, while Catherine had on a sky-blue dress and an enormous hat she had to constantly hold with her hand so that it wouldn't fly away with the wind.""" text26954;"""We were talking happily about something, but in the dream I couldn't tell what exactly.""" text26955;"""And then, suddenly, the SUV's wheel dropped into a pit, and there were we, flying down to the bottom of the ravine from a height of several hundred meters.""" text26956;"""If I'm not mistaken, moments like these are when people start to pray…""" text26957;"""I woke up to find myself covered in sweat, as were my pillow and sheets.""" text26958;"""But that dream, so vivid in my first moments awake, had almost completely faded away after half an hour of a hot shower.""" text26959;"""Dammit, I haven't even been to the States!""" text26960;"""Yesterday's conversation with Catherine left a bitter aftertaste, like a hangover hitting at the least appropriate moment.""" text26961;"""(Is there an appropriate moment for a hangover?)""" text26962;"""Sure, I was glad that despite everything, she still cared about me and, albeit awkwardly, was trying to warn me.""" text26963;"""But I couldn't shake the feeling Catherine was doing so out of a sense of obligation more than sympathy (I wouldn't dare use the word \""love\"" even in my thoughts) for me.""" text26964;"""You could accuse Katya of many things, but indifference and cruelty weren't among them.""" text26965;"""Sure, maybe a lot of what she did wasn't necessarily for the right reasons…""" text26966;"""She did it more for her own image than for some actual moral principles.""" text26967;"""But it's better to do good for selfish reasons than to condone evil by indifference.""" text26968;"""And there was still the matter of my feelings for her.""" text26969;"""Of what I was feeling at this exact moment, after I had learnt about the note.""" text26970;"""The strangest thing was, somewhere on the edge of my conscious self, I was thinking that the note itself hadn't changed much.""" text26971;"""Something had broken inside me even before — I guess, when I saw her entering the classroom, wearing our uniform with that nonchalant expression on her face.""" text26972;"""After that, if somebody told me she was a CIA agent, I wouldn't have been too surprised.""" text26973;"""In any case, I had to make a decision — I couldn't just keep existing in suspension, hanging between her infinite coldness and my feeble attempts to move on.""" text26974;"""But recently I had found new, rather unexpected issues to deal with.""" text26975;"""Along with new relationships I hadn't been looking for, that have turned everything upside-down in such a short time.""" text26976;"""And God only knew what would follow!""" text26977;"""It was still quite early — but I decided to go to school without waiting for Himitsu.""" text26978;"""Although after yesterday she could very well not be coming in the first place.""" text26979;"""…""" text26980;"""Kagome stood at the school gate, tapping her foot impatiently.""" text26981;"""Ah, here you are!""" text26982;"""Well, at least you're on time.""" text26983;"""How long have you been lying here in ambush?""" text26984;"""Long enough to get bored of it.""" text26985;"""You could've waited for me in the classroom.""" text26986;"""I couldn't…""" text26987;"""She suddenly grew embarrassed and looked down, but immediately jumped in place and grabbed me by the arm:""" text26988;"""Let's go!""" text26989;"""I limply followed her — there was no point in arguing or telling her how inappropriate her behavior was…""" text26990;"""Naturally, Kagome brought me to the roof.""" text26991;"""So?""" text26992;"""What?""" text26993;"""Getting anywhere?""" text26994;"""With what?""" text26995;"""Are you starting this all over again?!""" text26996;"""Jesus, starting what?! It's been half a day, what could've changed!?""" text26997;"""You know, sometimes just a few minutes can be enough…""" text26998;"""Well, something did, in fact, happen… Catherine's visit, the exchange about the note.""" text26999;"""I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to tell Kagome about that.""" text27000;"""On one hand, it had nothing to do with her..""" text27001;"""On the other…""" text27002;"""The people threatening me because of my father's work were probably related to Kobayashi Corporation.""" text27003;"""And the Corporation's goons had kidnapped her father.""" text27004;"""In a different situation, I'd have thought that this information was just my business, and there was no need to share it with anyone else, but looking at this strange girl I somehow felt guilty about hiding the truth.""" text27005;"""You know, something did, in fact, happen…""" text27006;"""Is that so?""" text27007;"""Kagome brightened up and even came closer.""" text27008;"""The girl who transferred to our class recently… Catherine… Her mother is a diplomat. At least, I used to think so.""" text27009;"""Anyway, Catherine told me that I'm in danger and being watched by powerful people.""" text27010;"""The Corporation?""" text27011;"""She doesn't know anything besides that.""" text27012;"""She must find out!""" text27013;"""Look, not everyone is as childishly bold and straightforward as you are — some people cherish their lives!""" text27014;"""Yeah, right.""" text27015;"""She scoffed and turned away.""" text27016;"""When it's about that, men lose their mind.""" text27017;"""What… Nobody was even talking… about that.""" text27018;"""Unexpectedly even for myself, I got embarrassed.""" text27019;"""But you're protecting her.""" text27020;"""I just don't want innocent people to be flattened by your runaway truth-seeking steamroller!""" text27021;"""Is she that innocent?""" text27022;"""Catherine…""" text27023;"""I stopped mid-sentence.""" text27024;"""Had that thought really only just come to mind? Why would I trust every word Katya said?""" text27025;"""To an extent, she had more reasons to lie to me than Kagome did.""" text27026;"""She had already ditched me once without saying a word, clearly showing I'm worthless to her.""" text27027;"""And if her mother was somehow related to my parents' death, Kobayashi Corporation, and God knows what else — why couldn't she just be helping her?""" text27028;"""I don't know…""" text27029;"""Excellent! That's the first smart thing you've said today!""" text27030;"""Kagome beamed.""" text27031;"""By the way, I have news too.""" text27032;"""Good news, I hope.""" text27033;"""I managed to find my father's colleague.""" text27034;"""Ichinose-san. We tried to reach him on Saturday.""" text27035;"""His name is Ichinose-san.""" text27036;"""Ichinose-san? I think I've met him… But how come you know him too?""" text27037;"""Well, he used to work for Kobayashi Corporation too, so it makes sense. The details don't really matter now.""" text27038;"""Fine. So?""" text27039;"""I arranged a meeting with him tonight on the waterfront. You're coming with me.""" text27040;"""Unless, of course, you have anything more urgent. Say… a date with an American?""" text27041;"""Look, do you think I'm just playing around here?""" text27042;"""Honestly, lately it feels like my life took a wrong turn somewhere — and that everything happening now somehow goes against the Akashic Records.""" text27043;"""Are you surprised that I'd like to have Catherine back… To have everything back the way it was?""" text27044;"""Doesn't seem weird at all to me.""" text27045;"""But I don't live in a vacuum and have to consider other people's feelings, even if I don't agree with them.""" text27046;"""And Kobayashi Corporation doesn't give a damn about my feelings! So, trust me, I know how to set priorities.""" text27047;"""Kagome looked me right in the eye without blinking, her face growing more and more serious as I talked.""" text27048;"""When I finally stopped and caught my breath, she kept silent for a bit longer.""" text27049;"""I hope you really mean it.""" text27050;"""Don't forget: we meet tonight! At the waterfront!""" text27051;"""…""" text27052;"""After she left, I long looked out at Tokyo in autumn, filled with people in grey suits, each forced to take into consideration an uncountable number of other people.""" text27053;"""Classes were going slowly, every minute lasting at least an hour, and an hour feeling like a day.""" text27054;"""Kyosuke was unusually quiet, eventually I even wanted him to bother me with his traditionally pointless talk — just to drive away the malaise.""" text27055;"""Catherine was sitting behind me — I couldn't see her, but I was confident that she was just as bored, looking out the window.""" text27056;"""By the window, meanwhile, was Kagome, carefully transcribing everything the teacher was saying, fully focused on the lesson.""" text27057;"""How come they could switch from one thing to another so quickly? Whether it was idle observation or their studies.""" text27058;"""Yes, my psyche was too reactive, and I usually needed too much time to recover from any problems in life.""" text27059;"""But was such calmness normal either?""" text27060;"""It was as if they were changing gears!""" text27061;"""During lunch I suddenly felt I couldn't bear staying in the classroom, where everyone except me had a stable psyche…""" text27062;"""I was pointlessly wandering around the school and came to my senses only when I found myself in front of the music room in the old wing.""" text27063;"""Instead of piercing guitar chords, I heard the pacifying sounds of a piano coming from it like gentle waves crashing on a tropical beach.""" text27064;"""I froze in the doorway, listening to it.""" text27065;"""Ellie seemed to be playing a piece of classical music — but it sounded completely alien to me.""" text27066;"""Finally, she closed the piano lid and stood up.""" text27067;"""I didn't want to interrupt you.""" text27068;"""I entered the classroom.""" text27069;"""You again! How long have you been eavesdropping?!""" text27070;"""I haven't…""" text27071;"""I suddenly recalled Kagome's words.""" text27072;"""She was, in fact, provoking me to deepen my relationship with Ellie.""" text27073;"""After yesterday's conversation with Catherine, the thought scared me even more than usual.""" text27074;"""If it was the end, if Catherine really no longer cared for me, I really would have to move on.""" text27075;"""Start new relationships, among other things.""" text27076;"""Doesn't it usually happen like that — by pure accident?""" text27077;"""Kids, mom and I met each other when she spilled juice on me in a canteen…""" text27081;"""Hey, are you still here?""" text27082;"""Sorry, got lost in thought…""" text27083;"""About what?""" text27084;"""Well…""" text27085;"""About you!""" text27086;"""Ellie blushed but quickly got a hold of herself.""" text27087;"""Boor!""" text27088;"""About nothing, really.""" text27089;"""I didn't know what to say and looked away.""" text27090;"""I definitely had an easier time talking to Kagome, and it wasn't just about social status.""" text27091;"""After all, Ellie was just as much of a schoolgirl as all the others in this building.""" text27092;"""Until she graduated from university and got some high ranking position in the Corporation from her grandfather, she only potentially deserved special treatment.""" text27093;"""But the stereotypes that had been a part of Japanese culture for thousands of years were strong, and I couldn't help but be affected by them too.""" text27094;"""Even though to an extent I couldn't give a damn about Ellie's ancestry, now, when I was imagining there being something between us, I felt different.""" text27095;"""God damn it, Kagome!""" text27096;"""Are you going to interrogate me again? And where's your raving friend?""" text27097;"""Look, Ellie…""" text27098;"""Relax, I'm joking!""" text27099;"""She suddenly laughed and flashed a smile that would never make you suspect her to be the evil heir to a criminal empire.""" text27100;"""I've been seeing you here almost every day lately, and before I'd maybe meet the cleaning lady twice a year.""" text27101;"""I like the way you play.""" text27102;"""Do you play anything?""" text27103;"""I used to play bass, dropped it though.""" text27104;"""Wow! Were you in a band?""" text27105;"""Nah, just at home with self-study books…""" text27106;"""Pity that you stopped…""" text27107;"""Why?""" text27108;"""We could have played together…""" text27109;"""Ellie caught herself and her expression changed:""" text27110;"""What am I even saying?! Go play with your hysterical girlfriend! Maybe you'll even make a decent manzai!""" text27111;"""Here you go again…""" text27112;"""I sighed without a hint of anger.""" text27113;"""What?""" text27114;"""Acting like this again.""" text27115;"""Like what?""" text27116;"""She put her arms akimbo, which made her look like a noble madam reprimanding peasant girls.""" text27117;"""I thought you didn't like Iwamura's attitude…""" text27118;"""That's because she's…""" text27119;"""Suddenly, Ellie got embarrassed.""" text27120;"""What, having a sense of dignity is a crime now?!""" text27121;"""No, unless it turns into a superiority complex.""" text27122;"""On the other hand, I had something to learn from her.""" text27123;"""Snapping and being rude to people is far from the best defensive reaction.""" text27124;"""What do you know?!""" text27125;"""Quod erat demonstratum!""" text27126;"""I exclaimed victoriously, snapped my fingers, stared at her, and made a silly face that I had actually seen in one of those comedy shows that only the Japanese enjoy.""" text27127;"""If you could see yourself right now!""" text27128;"""Ellie laughed, and the tension finally subsided.""" text27129;"""By the way, we're giving a performance tonight… You seemed to like the last time, right? You can drop by.""" text27130;"""Just don't stare at me the entire time!""" text27131;"""God, I wasn't… Anyway…""" text27132;"""I can't make it today.""" text27133;"""Why?""" text27134;"""She asked with surprise, and, I could've sworn, a hint of disappointment.""" text27135;"""You might find it hard to believe, but I have stuff to do too.""" text27136;"""Apart from pulling faces?""" text27137;"""Yes, and watching TV. And horsing around.""" text27138;"""And this stuff… is it something you're going to be doing with that girl?""" text27139;"""Even if it is, what of it?""" text27140;"""I just don't want you two to plot against me and my family again.""" text27141;"""Her father is missing, you know.""" text27142;"""I parried coldly.""" text27143;"""I understand and I'm sorry about that, but…""" text27144;"""Ellie went quiet and suddenly pouted, which for a moment made her vaguely resemble Himitsu.""" text27145;"""Actually, you know what, I don't understand, nor do I want to! I'm not Mother Theresa and I don't have to sympathize with every beggar I come across!""" text27146;"""What…?""" text27147;"""I was genuinely surprised by her reaction.""" text27148;"""Sure, you could say that Ellie was a bit conceited, but not arrogant like this…""" text27149;"""Sorry, I didn't mean to…""" text27150;"""Anyway, people go to school to study, in case you didn't know!""" text27151;"""And she ran out of the classroom.""" text27152;"""Was she really that hurt by Kagome's words?""" text27153;"""Yes, Iwamura was capable of making anyone fume with anger in only a minute or two, but…""" text27154;"""People tend to most vehemently defend the things most important to them.""" text27155;"""What could a young noble lady hold important? Her pride, I guess.""" text27156;"""Had Kagome really managed to fight her way into the heart of the enemy's impenetrable fortress and hit its weakest spot…?""" text27157;"""This is all so strange…""" text27158;"""Something tells me that the deeper it goes, the messier it gets!""" text27159;"""I was heading towards my classroom with the firm intention to get to the end of the day without any trouble…""" text27160;"""However, there was an unfamiliar girl waiting for me at the entrance, impatiently coiling a lock of hair around her finger.""" text27161;"""Anokhin?""" text27162;"""Who's asking…?""" text27163;"""It immediately became clear to me that the conversation wouldn't go anywhere good.""" text27164;"""We need to talk, let's find a place.""" text27165;"""The bell's about to ring.""" text27166;"""You a nerd?""" text27167;"""She scoffed contemptuously, looking me up and down.""" text27168;"""What do you want to talk about? And who are you in the first place?""" text27169;"""My name is Kawashima, I'm Ellie-chan's friend.""" text27170;"""Chan…?""" text27171;"""Well, let's go then…""" text27172;"""The girl took me around the corner.""" text27173;"""She looked pretty normal by local standards — quite cute and well-kept, confident and loose, maybe even a bit defiant.""" text27174;"""I hope you realize that you aren't in a normal public school? And Ellie-chan isn't your normal student!""" text27175;"""You could say that… And?""" text27176;"""I could say that?!""" text27177;"""She exclaimed and made a face like she'd stepped in something foul.""" text27178;"""I'm her friend — and I won't allow trash to hang out with her! And a gaijin to boot.""" text27179;"""And now there was disgust.""" text27180;"""In case you haven't noticed, Ellie doesn't exactly look like she's Japanese herself.""" text27181;"""I smirked.""" text27182;"""What? You…!""" text27183;"""Damn, Ellie sure could choose her friends!""" text27184;"""Do you think I'm joking here?""" text27185;"""The girl was a head shorter than me but clearly convinced of her superiority.""" text27186;"""For a moment, I wanted to hit her with a kabedon to see her reaction, but I stopped myself.""" text27187;"""After all, she could very well be the daughter of a yakuza boss!""" text27188;"""Are you threatening me?""" text27189;"""Do you want to find out?""" text27190;"""Kawashima replied without a hint of hesitation.""" text27191;"""I couldn't say the same about myself, though.""" text27192;"""Alright, so what do you suppose I did wrong?""" text27193;"""Like you don't know!""" text27194;"""Let's not play the guessing game.""" text27195;"""Weren't you the one who accused Ellie-chan of things like… That she kidnapped a person, took them out to the forest and buried them there?!""" text27196;"""Did she tell you that?""" text27197;"""The situation was becoming clearer, but — honestly!— I wished I'd remained ignorant.""" text27198;"""No, damn it, I was a fly on the wall!""" text27199;"""She's one unpleasant person.""" text27200;"""If Ellie was sometimes a little too precocious (mostly due to her upbringing), Kawashima seemed to be radiating malice.""" text27201;"""I don't know what she told you… In any case, it's none of your business!""" text27202;"""It is — I'm her friend!""" text27203;"""Ellie misunderstood… or mistold the story. She shouldn't have told it to anyone in the first place!""" text27204;"""It was a private conversation! It had nothing to do with anyone else!""" text27205;"""The angrier I got, the more stupid my excuses sounded, and the wider the grin on Kawashima's face grew.""" text27206;"""I wondered why Ellie hadn't said anything about Kagome's participation in that conversation.""" text27207;"""Look at him whine!""" text27208;"""Is that all?""" text27209;"""That's enough for the police!""" text27210;"""The police! At least it wasn't the yakuza…""" text27211;"""Well, let's go together! You tell your version, and I'll tell mine!""" text27212;"""We will…""" text27213;"""She repeated, less confidently.""" text27214;"""Well, what are we waiting for? Grab Ellie and let's go!""" text27215;"""She was about to reply with something, but then the bell rang.""" text27216;"""Fine… But I'm not done with you yet! I don't know what you're trying at, but I'm watching you!""" text27217;"""Pfft, Columbo my ass!""" text27218;"""I waved a hand after her and hurried to my class.""" text27219;"""…""" text27220;"""So, what the hell was that?!""" text27221;"""Why would she tell anyone about something like this?""" text27222;"""It wouldn't be hard to find a reason to pick on Ellie if I wanted to, but she'd never come across as a stupid girl to me!""" text27223;"""Or was it some sort of clever game on her part?""" text27224;"""To get as many allies as possible and… And what?""" text27225;"""No matter your angle, it didn't look like a well thought-out or organized plan.""" text27226;"""More like an upset schoolgirl complaining to her friend about the school boor.""" text27227;"""Kobayashi Jun had asked me to look after Iwamura, but if we continued down this track, his own granddaughter would take both myself and Kagome right to the scaffold!""" text27228;"""I was sure he would immediately take action if rumours would start spreading that Ellie was involved in some shady stuff…""" text27229;"""Having passed through just one set of hands (well, ears), the disappearance of Kagome's father had transformed from a kidnapping by the Corporation to a murder in the woods by a schoolgirl!""" text27230;"""If Kawashima were to tell someone else, new details would crop up…""" text27231;"""Damn it! I couldn't let it happen!""" text27232;"""And the worst thing was that Ellie, apparently, didn't realize how serious the situation was!""" text27233;"""Just like a little child leaving keys in a car and closing all the doors, impressed with her own genius — no one could get inside now!""" text27234;"""Except that now the adults would have to deal with it!""" text27235;"""I had to talk to her the moment I could!""" text27236;"""The lesson had ended and I was about to start looking for Ellie when Kyosuke stopped me.""" text27237;"""Nick, do you have a minute?""" text27238;"""No!""" text27239;"""I replied harshly.""" text27240;"""Michael and I need to talk to you.""" text27241;"""Michael?""" text27242;"""Our American friend was indeed hiding behind Kyosuke's massive body.""" text27243;"""Nick?""" text27244;"""He gave me a questioning look.""" text27245;"""You can never tell what's on Michael's mind!""" text27246;"""Could be tomorrow's test, could be secret reports on American military bases at Okinawa.""" text27247;"""They surrounded my desk, Kyosuke grabbing a chair and sitting next to me while Michael kept standing, just leaning forward a bit.""" text27248;"""It was becoming clear that the conversation was meant to be private.""" text27249;"""Guys, I really gotta go…""" text27250;"""I pleaded.""" text27251;"""Go where?""" text27252;"""We won't keep you for long.""" text27253;"""Break's only ten minutes!""" text27254;"""Fine, Ellie had already made a mess — another hour wasn't going to change anything.""" text27255;"""I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment.""" text27256;"""Okay, what is this about?""" text27257;"""We've noticed recently that you have — how should I phrase this — become close with one of our classmates…""" text27258;"""Kyosuke was stumbling over his words, so Michael took the floor:""" text27259;"""We're talking about Iwamura-san.""" text27260;"""Kagome? What does she have to do with anything?""" text27261;"""See, she's already Kagome…""" text27262;"""Kyosuke, you know perfectly well I've never understood the local obsession with formalities.""" text27263;"""I guarantee that Kagome doesn't respect you all any more than anyone else in the school.""" text27264;"""On the other hand, it's surprising you noticed her existence in the first place!""" text27265;"""That's exactly the problem Nick.""" text27266;"""What do you mean?""" text27267;"""It seems that recently you've started paying too much attention to Iwamura-san.""" text27268;"""And the attention seems to be mutual.""" text27269;"""What are you two getting at?""" text27270;"""I knew full well what they were getting at, but didn't want to admit it even to myself.""" text27271;"""We have nothing against it, don't get us wrong!""" text27272;"""Kyosuke waved his hands, drawing questioning looks from our classmates.""" text27273;"""He continued in a half-whisper:""" text27274;"""We realize that the heart is a wild thing…""" text27275;"""What?! You… There's nothing between us!""" text27276;"""I shouted, but quickly shut myself up.""" text27277;"""Good thing Kagome wasn't in the classroom.""" text27278;"""See, I told you!""" text27279;"""Kyosuke jabbed Michael with his elbow.""" text27280;"""He's got Himitsu-chan.""" text27281;"""Himitsu and I… we're just friends.""" text27282;"""I said with less confidence.""" text27283;"""We aren't the only ones who noticed that you've grown quite close with Iwamura-san.""" text27284;"""Even if I have, what of it?""" text27285;"""You do know what… kind of reputation she has, right?""" text27286;"""No, I don't. What about it?""" text27287;"""Well, there are rumors…""" text27288;"""Rumors, huh?! And you're the expert there — naturally!""" text27289;"""Nick, we just want to warn you.""" text27290;"""Damn, you too! I don't mind Kyosuke — it's almost his job. But why are you getting into this?""" text27291;"""Michael frowned, but said nothing.""" text27292;"""Nick, seriously! People are telling stories… I don't mean that you should believe all of them, but there's no smoke without fire.""" text27293;"""Alright, what are people saying about her?""" text27294;"""I asked coldly, feeling myself starting to boil up.""" text27295;"""Why was I reacting like that? Was it my desire to protect Kagome?""" text27296;"""At that moment it didn't even cross my mind to ask so strange a question.""" text27297;"""Kyosuke, don't.""" text27298;"""Michael carefully put a hand on his shoulder, but Kyosuke was hard to stop when he had decided that everyone around had to hear his opinion.""" text27299;"""It's no secret Iwamura-san isn't from a particularly wealthy family…""" text27300;"""Of course, that's not a crime of itself, but people say she has some issues with social responsibility. If you know what I mean.""" text27301;"""And who says that? Probably the same people that bully her! And why would you believe them?""" text27302;"""I mean, I don't, but…""" text27303;"""That was exactly what had been happening that morning a week ago, at the school gate — bullying!""" text27304;"""But I couldn't even imagine normal students like Kyosuke and Michael forming their opinions on Kagome just based on the rumors those bastards were spreading!""" text27305;"""She works at a restaurant! Her grandfather's restaurant! She cooks and takes orders! And she doesn't sell her body!""" text27306;"""How do you know?""" text27307;"""Wouldn't you like to know! I've been there!""" text27308;"""Michael!""" text27309;"""I raised my pleading eyes at him.""" text27310;"""You we're the last person I expect this from.""" text27311;"""Sorry, Nick…""" text27312;"""He looked away in shame.""" text27313;"""But Iwamura just doesn't look like the kind of girl to come from a good background.""" text27314;"""So that's how you think whores usually act? Distant and reserved?!""" text27315;"""Fucking hell guys, I don't know what to say…""" text27316;"""We aren't accusing her of anything. But the public opinion…""" text27317;"""You can be sure that we're always on your side… Right, Mike?""" text27318;"""Michael said nothing and didn't react to Kyosuke's questioning look in any way.""" text27319;"""But…""" text27320;"""I said coldly.""" text27321;"""But what?""" text27322;"""There was supposed to be a but there — you didn't finish. Please continue.""" text27323;"""My words came out threateningly quiet.""" text27324;"""It seemed like I was about to lose it.""" text27325;"""Okay, Nick, calm down. We really didn't mean to offend you… or Iwamura-san.""" text27326;"""We shouldn't have started this conversation. Sorry!""" text27327;"""No, why? Why keep it inside? If you said nothing, would it change your opinion of her?""" text27328;"""I replied with a theatrical mildness.""" text27329;"""Nick why is that so important for you… Why do you care so much what other people think about her?""" text27330;"""Why…""" text27331;"""Actually, I couldn't answer that question myself.""" text27332;"""Is having normal human morals not enough?""" text27333;"""Of course, if that's the case…""" text27334;"""And even if we are in a relationship, so what? What makes Kagome worse than Himitsu or Catherine? Or Ellie? Hey, Kyosuke, tell me.""" text27335;"""The lack of an inheritance or a bunch of idiots for friends? Maybe the fact that she pays no attention to other people's opinions and stupid gossip?""" text27336;"""Nick…""" text27337;"""He timidly tried to stop me.""" text27338;"""No, listen to me!""" text27339;"""If I really decided to date her, would you two just mark me for death? Or start bullying me together with those assholes?""" text27340;"""Nick, wait…""" text27341;"""Wait for what?! Are you telling me to sit aside, close my eyes, and pretend nothing's happening?""" text27342;"""If you are, I thought better of you! You should at least know that I believe Kagome is a good person!""" text27343;"""And if our relationship did actually turn into something, I would be honored!""" text27344;"""Nick!""" text27345;"""Kyosuke grabbed me by the arm and nodded at the door.""" text27346;"""Kagome was standing in the doorway and carefully (same as all of our classmates) listening to me.""" text27347;"""That's how it is, huh…?""" text27348;"""I muttered, not knowing what to do now.""" text27349;"""Meanwhile, Kagome just sighed and left the classroom.""" text27350;"""Are you going to run after her?""" text27351;"""Kyosuke asked excitedly.""" text27352;"""No, why would I…? What would I tell her…?""" text27353;"""And then the bell rang.""" text27354;"""Nick, sorry again.""" text27355;"""Michael said and returned to his desk.""" text27356;"""Kagome never came back, and I completely forgot I had wanted to talk to Ellie.""" text27357;"""Despite the awkwardness of the situation, I would have an opportunity to explain myself to her soon: that evening we were meeting with Ichinose.""" text27358;"""I didn't talk to Michael or Kyosuke until the end of the day, and neither of them were too interested in continuing the conversation.""" text27359;"""After calming down and thinking it through, I came to the conclusion that I'd probably been too harsh on my friends.""" text27360;"""Yeah, they should've thought for themselves rather than blindly following the crowd, but I doubted they did it out of malice or lack of moral principle.""" text27361;"""I slowly made my way along the hallways, heading toward the exit.""" text27362;"""There was too much information per unit of time!""" text27363;"""The amount of consecutive interactions with people exceeded the operational capacity of my brain.""" text27364;"""It provoked a defensive reaction, and I just stopped feeling anything.""" text27365;"""Himitsu was waiting for me in the yard.""" text27366;"""Let's go home, Niko-kun?""" text27367;"""Let's go.""" text27368;"""I replied automatically and looked at her with unseeing eyes.""" text27369;"""…""" text27370;"""Niko-kun, how was your day?""" text27371;"""It was fine.""" text27372;"""Mine was great! We're almost all ready for the festival.""" text27373;"""And I even tried on that maid uniform.""" text27374;"""Nice.""" text27375;"""In reality, I wasn't quite sure what she was talking about.""" text27376;"""Didn't you want to see it?""" text27377;"""See what?""" text27378;"""The uniform. Maid uniform.""" text27379;"""Himitsu stopped and stomped her foot.""" text27380;"""Niko-kun, you're not listening to me!""" text27381;"""Yeah, sorry…""" text27382;"""Something is happening to you, and you aren't telling me — fine, I've decided not to force it.""" text27383;"""But can I, at least, pretend that everything's normal?!""" text27384;"""Yeah, sure…""" text27385;"""Sure what?""" text27386;"""I sighed and finally tried to focus on her face to figure out what Himitsu wanted from me.""" text27387;"""Sunshine, I'm really tired today, honest. I just want to go home and fall asleep.""" text27388;"""And what made you so tired?""" text27389;"""Well…""" text27390;"""I started, but couldn't come up with anything.""" text27391;"""At the very least, it's complicated.""" text27392;"""And you aren't going to tell me what's so complicated again, are you?""" text27393;"""I can't. Really. You could say I signed a non-disclosure agreement.""" text27394;"""Of course, it would've been much easier to just tell her already.""" text27395;"""At least, then I wouldn't need to torturously come up with excuses, straining my already poorly functioning brain.""" text27396;"""Niko-kun, I don't want to say it… But are you lying to me?""" text27397;"""I want to believe you, of course I do… But when you constantly keep things away from me, it's becoming more and more difficult.""" text27398;"""Do you know Kobayashi Ellie?""" text27399;"""I suddenly got an idea.""" text27400;"""Not personally, but everyone knows her.""" text27401;"""Yeah, so, we're having an affair.""" text27402;"""Ahhhh…""" text27403;"""Himitsu said and frowned.""" text27404;"""You should've said you sell drugs — that would've been easier to believe!""" text27405;"""So, you think I'm not good enough for Ellie?!""" text27406;"""Himitsu sighed heavily and kept on walking.""" text27407;"""You should've phrased the question differently: who else, besides me, could put up with all this?""" text27408;"""Yeah, sure, sorry…""" text27409;"""I wearily followed her.""" text27410;"""…""" text27411;"""When we reached home, I realized that I had an awful, maddening amount of time left before the meeting with Kagome.""" text27412;"""And I had nothing to fill it with: moreover, even the thought of existing until the evening was making me uncomfortable.""" text27413;"""Will you come in?""" text27414;"""I asked shyly.""" text27415;"""Not today.""" text27416;"""Why?""" text27417;"""Why, Niko-kun? Wow! Are you really interested?""" text27418;"""If you have nothing else to do…""" text27419;"""Something else…?""" text27420;"""Himitsu paused.""" text27421;"""How could I possibly have anything else to do — you're my job, hobby, duty, and cross all in one!""" text27422;"""Sorry…""" text27423;"""Yes, I hadn't always treated her nicely, especially these days, but why this sudden burst of dark irony?""" text27424;"""As if it was Catherine was standing before me…""" text27425;"""No, I can't come in today. We'll see each other tomorrow. Bye.""" text27426;"""She didn't wait for my reply and quickly crossed the street.""" text27427;"""Well, that was a conversation…""" text27428;"""…""" text27429;"""Awkwardness surrounded me on all sides…""" text27430;"""I didn't know what to tell Kagome after that ambiguous scene she witnessed when I was arguing with the guys.""" text27431;"""I didn't know how harsh I was supposed to be with Ellie, so that she would understand what she could tell her friends and what she better keep to herself.""" text27432;"""Ellie…""" text27433;"""I looked at the bass guitar that was patiently collecting dust next to my bed.""" text27434;"""There was a time when I wanted to put it in the wardrobe to get it out of the way, but I kept stalling, hoping I hadn't abandoned music for good.""" text27435;"""And then I got used to it and the guitar stopped bothering me at all.""" text27436;"""How do you do it again…?""" text27437;"""I took the bass in my hands, checked the strings, and played a few notes.""" text27438;"""Not connected to an amp, the sound was dull and unexpressive, but my fingers immediately remembered the feeling.""" text27439;"""I played a simple bassline from a famous Western song and felt immediate relief.""" text27440;"""Unaccustomed to the harshness of the strings, the fingers on my right hand grew red and started to ache after only a minute.""" text27441;"""But it felt more like the pleasant tiredness you feel after finishing some hard work rather than the disabling exhaustion of slave-like labor.""" text27442;"""Why haven't I been doing this?!""" text27443;"""I'd spent so much time in pointless contemplation inside my own head while there was an entire world waiting for me at arm's reach!""" text27444;"""I put the bass away and felt horrified.""" text27445;"""Was Catherine alone to blame for that?""" text27446;"""She ditched me, setting my life tumbling down this slope…""" text27447;"""But she hadn't even been around for the last year and a half!""" text27448;"""She hadn't been an invisible shadow trailing me, patiently sabotaging any attempts to change anything!""" text27449;"""She hadn't been the one placing invisible barriers stopping me from performing even the most basic human functions any normal person would find effortless.""" text27450;"""Katya hadn't been putting a stone on my chest every morning, stopping me from getting up.""" text27451;"""And she definitely hadn't been the one who personally soiled my relationship with Himitsu, although she had played a certain role in it.""" text27452;"""Although in regards to Himitsu all I wanted was to keep her away from me right now!""" text27453;"""Because she couldn't help. Because I was in real danger and I didn't want to subject her to the same.""" text27454;"""Maybe in that case it'd be better to tell her the truth? Or, at least, a part of it…""" text27455;"""After all, she wasn't a child and could take care of herself.""" text27456;"""I decided that it would be better to leave that thought to steep for a while and make a decision later.""" text27457;"""Playing the bass made time fly, and then there I was, on my way to meet Kagome.""" text27458;"""I was constantly glancing over my shoulder on my way to the train station but didn't notice anybody follow me.""" text27459;"""Either they were real professionals or I wasn't being watched…""" text27460;"""I doubted Irina would consider a midnight visit to a classmate I barely knew to be normal behavior, but what mattered most was that nobody would find out that we were meeting with Ichinose!""" text27461;"""I stepped off the train a few stops before my station and made the rest of the way on foot to confuse potential pursuers as much as I could.""" text27462;"""Finally, I got to the bridge Kagome was supposed to meet me on.""" text27463;"""Isn't this convenient!""" text27464;"""It was next to her restaurant, while I'd had to spend a good hour or even more (considering all the maneuvers I made) to get here.""" text27465;"""When I got on the bridge, Kagome was already waiting for me, but something was wrong about her.""" text27466;"""Hey?""" text27467;"""I called out to her unsurely.""" text27468;"""She turned to me — and everything became clear.""" text27469;"""She had a huge black eye, poorly covered by her bangs.""" text27470;"""What happened?""" text27471;"""I fell…""" text27472;"""She responded, still trying to hide her face.""" text27473;"""On somebody's fist?""" text27474;"""What does it matter?""" text27475;"""It matters a lot!""" text27476;"""I replied indignantly and tried to come closer, but Kagome immediately stepped back.""" text27477;"""I don't know what you've imagined for yourself, but there is nothing and can't be anything between us!""" text27478;"""You'd better save that energy for Kobayashi!""" text27479;"""I had to make a conscious effort not to shout at her.""" text27480;"""Let's put it this way… I understand that what you heard this morning could appear… unexpected, but I was speaking hypothetically!""" text27481;"""I'm not expecting anything…""" text27482;"""Dammit! That's not what I meant to say!""" text27483;"""I was saved by a dark silhouette appearing out of the gloom of the night.""" text27484;"""Nikolai-kun? Kagome-chan?""" text27485;"""Ichinose-san?""" text27486;"""I immediately recognized my father's friend, although he seemed to have aged noticeably since the last time I saw him.""" text27487;"""Were you followed?""" text27488;"""No.""" text27489;"""Kagome just shook her head.""" text27490;"""I didn't know you two were acquainted.""" text27491;"""Only by circumstance.""" text27492;"""The Corporation…""" text27493;"""He said meaningfully and took out a pack of cigarettes.""" text27494;"""Ichinose looked a bit too calm, and it set me a little on edge.""" text27495;"""Sorry kids… I've only been thinking about myself.""" text27496;"""Ichinose-san, what are you talking about?""" text27497;"""I owe a great deal to your father, Nikolai. We were friends. And to yours as well, Kagome-chan…""" text27498;"""I knew the Corporation would come after me sooner or later, I've been preparing for it. But I wasn't the only one in danger…""" text27499;"""Ichinose-san, it's not your fault!""" text27500;"""I took a quick look at Kagome — she kept standing with a sour face, studying the tips of her shoes.""" text27501;"""Maybe Ichinose's apologies hadn't quite satisfied her.""" text27502;"""One way or another, we all knew the risks of being involved in the Project. I just had more luck.""" text27503;"""The Project? What are you talking about, Ichinose-san?""" text27504;"""The Project is what your parents and I were working on at Kobayashi Corporation.""" text27505;"""What's the point of this… Project?""" text27506;"""Oh, Nikolai, that's not easy to explain! Every scientist was, essentially, responsible for their own part.""" text27507;"""I was a physicist, while your father was a rocket engineer.""" text27508;"""For some reason, I'd always thought he designed bridges…""" text27509;"""Akira-san would be able to tell you a lot more than me — he was effectively in charge of the Project.""" text27510;"""He never told me…""" text27511;"""Kagome finally said.""" text27512;"""Sometimes, it's not worth taking work home.""" text27513;"""I still don't get it… If he was such an important person there, why was he just kicked out?!""" text27514;"""They're dangerous people, Kagome-chan! The life of a single person means nothing to them. When Akira-san did everything that was required of him…""" text27515;"""Don't say that!""" text27516;"""She suddenly shouted.""" text27517;"""Kagome, please, not now…""" text27518;"""She looked at me with tearful eyes, and in her gaze I could see a desperate plea for support.""" text27519;"""However, having found no understanding from me, she stared at her feet again.""" text27520;"""Ichinose-san, I have another question.""" text27521;"""Yes?""" text27522;"""I wasn't sure whether speaking about this in Kagome's presence was a good idea, but I there was no guarantee I'd get another chance.""" text27523;"""Do you know someone by the surname Winters?""" text27524;"""Winters, Winters…""" text27525;"""He thought about it.""" text27526;"""Yes, I knew a woman with the name, but she's considerably older than you.""" text27527;"""And what was that… Mrs Winters doing in the Project?""" text27528;"""The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together into a terrible picture.""" text27529;"""No, I don't think that she had anything to do with the scientific part of the Project. She was more like an administrator. From the American side.""" text27530;"""American side?""" text27531;"""You didn't think that the Project was a purely Japanese endeavor, did you?! It's something bigger than that, Nikolai! Multinational, you could say!""" text27532;"""I didn't think anything, Ichinose-san! A week ago, I believed that my parents' death was an accident.""" text27533;"""Three days ago I believed that I was, at least, in control of my own life.""" text27534;"""An hour ago I was sure that my father designed bridges! Bridges, Ichinose-san, not rockets!""" text27535;"""Nikolai, I understand it's hard for you…""" text27536;"""Hard!""" text27537;"""I smirked.""" text27538;"""But the most depressing thought was that at that moment I was concerned not so much about my parents' death, but rather the fact that Catherine's mother and, thus, Catherine herself could be involved in it!""" text27539;"""So, that Mrs Winters… could she have anything to do with my parents' death?""" text27540;"""It was a car accident.""" text27541;"""Ichinose remarked carefully.""" text27542;"""It's not hard to stage a car crash! Don't you agree, Ichinose-san?""" text27543;"""I've had my suspicions… But there's been no evidence.""" text27544;"""Mrs Winters?""" text27545;"""I persisted.""" text27546;"""No… I don't know… I don't think she has anything to do with it.""" text27547;"""But you can't say for sure?""" text27548;"""No, I can't.""" text27549;"""He finally admitted and lit another cigarette.""" text27550;"""And what do you have to say?""" text27551;"""I turned to Kagome.""" text27552;"""All the time we'd been talking, she stood there silently, as if trying to fade into the darkness of the Tokyo night.""" text27553;"""What can I possibly say?""" text27554;"""I don't know! It's your father who's gone missing! My parents can't be brought back, but… Ah, whatever!""" text27555;"""We couldn't stand here in the cold until dawn waiting for her to deign to come to her senses, so I took the initiative.""" text27556;"""Ichinose-san, do you know anything about her father? Where they might possibly be keeping him?""" text27557;"""No, Nikolai, I can't help you with that. I'm just a scientist, and this issue requires people with greater… practical experience.""" text27558;"""But I still want to help you two! I still have some documents concerning the Project. Soon I'm going to leave Tokyo forever anyway, so they're of no use to me.""" text27559;"""And what's in those documents?""" text27560;"""Oh, all sorts of information! I'd been taking them from work a page at a time for years, to give myself a trump card in case…""" text27561;"""He went quiet and smiled bitterly.""" text27562;"""That's very generous of you, Ichinose-san! But how will you…""" text27563;"""Oh, don't worry, I'll manage! Besides, I've lived long enough already — it's time to let the next generation take the stage.""" text27564;"""Thank you.""" text27565;"""I didn't know what else to say.""" text27566;"""Then I'll see you tomorrow, same place, same time.""" text27567;"""We'll be here!""" text27568;"""Kagome-chan, I hope your father will be alright!""" text27569;"""Kagome just nodded, her head still cast down.""" text27570;"""…""" text27571;"""Well, happy now?!""" text27572;"""When Ichinose-san disappeared into the night, I snapped at Iwamura.""" text27573;"""What the hell was that?!""" text27574;"""Ichinose could be our only chance to get the information we need, and you were standing there freezing up like you're a kid at a talent show!""" text27575;"""You managed it well enough without my help, what else do you need?""" text27576;"""What else?! How dare you…""" text27577;"""I actually lost my breath from anger.""" text27578;"""Seriously?! It's not like they stole my father!""" text27579;"""We'll see when he hands over the documents. That's it. See you tomorrow.""" text27580;"""Suddenly, Kagome took off, walking quickly away.""" text27581;"""Fine! Go!""" text27582;"""I shouted after her, and was left standing alone in the middle of the night in an unfamiliar district.""" text27583;"""I think there was a phone booth around here…""" text27584;"""And indeed, half an hour later I was sitting in the back seat of a taxi as it leisurely brought me home."""