text20671;"""One of our songs had a particularly complicated bass part that I just couldn't get the hang of.""" text20672;"""Especially the middle of it, when I had to run my left hand up and down the neck like a virtuoso.""" text20673;"""Maybe, I can just play the eighth notes on the open strings?""" text20674;"""I asked, half-jokingly, but the rest of the band looked at me like I'd just committed blasphemy.""" text20675;"""Give it to me!""" text20676;"""Ellie took my bass and effortlessly played the bridge I'd failed time and time again.""" text20677;"""It's a shame you can't play multiple instruments at the same time.""" text20678;"""Nick, enough already! Just watch what I do and repeat it.""" text20679;"""She frowned and gave the bass back to me.""" text20680;"""Just!""" text20681;"""Sometimes it seemed to me that among the members of Z FEEL-Z, I was the most relaxed about music.""" text20682;"""Except probably for Tokyo Rider.""" text20683;"""But understanding when he was and wasn't serious wasn't an easy task in general.""" text20684;"""And it wasn't even about the lack of experience.""" text20685;"""Music was still mostly just a hobby for me, while for them it was an important, maybe even integral part of their lives.""" text20686;"""I'll try.""" text20687;"""In reality, Ellie's demonstration hadn't helped at all — on the contrary, the last bits of my confidence evaporated without a trace.""" text20688;"""When a clown at a child's party juggles ten balls at once and then offers to teach you, a six year old, to do the same — it's met with a smile.""" text20689;"""Meanwhile, I didn't just feel like a clown but an entire circus in a burnt out building with no audience.""" text20690;"""Maybe you'd have it easier with a five-string bass…""" text20691;"""Ishida said thoughtfully.""" text20692;"""Thanks, but I'd like to get a handle on four first.""" text20693;"""To be honest, I had always believed that the fewer strings there were, the better.""" text20694;"""Alright, let's try it again. One, one…""" text20695;"""Mitsuyoshi started a count.""" text20696;"""…""" text20697;"""All in all, I could hit the right notes and didn't go too far out of line, but it still felt to me like my parts were recorded separately, then played on a tape.""" text20698;"""The others played calmly, occasionally bringing passion and improvisation to their music, while I was putting my all into just not screwing up.""" text20699;"""Sure, bass wasn't the leading instrument, and maybe a mistake or two would go unnoticed…""" text20700;"""But without a well-played rhythm section, rock music loses a good half of its feeling.""" text20701;"""Besides, I simply felt ashamed in front of the guys.""" text20702;"""The strangest thing was, at first I used to think that I was doing pretty great, but the longer we practiced, the more I realized I was years and years behind my band members in terms of skill.""" text20703;"""…""" text20704;"""When we finished, I, exhausted, put the bass away and slid down against the wall.""" text20705;"""Do we really have to work ourselves to death right before the concert? Do you do that every time?""" text20706;"""I moaned, not addressing anyone in particular.""" text20707;"""Actually, no. But we're under special circumstances right now.""" text20708;"""As in me?""" text20709;"""Ishida smiled apologetically.""" text20710;"""It's fine, I get it. Thank you guys!""" text20711;"""And gal.""" text20712;"""Ellie grinned and played a couple of chords from American Woman.""" text20713;"""Alright, I wish you all a good sleep!""" text20714;"""Mitsuyoshi stood up from behind the drums and tiredly looked over the room, his gaze stopping first on me and then Ellie.""" text20715;"""The hint, although not completely obvious, was inappropriate.""" text20716;"""He immediately caught himself:""" text20717;"""I for one will need at least eight hours of healthy sleep.""" text20718;"""Then we meet tomorrow at six in front of the club.""" text20719;"""I'll be there.""" text20720;"""I very much hope so.""" text20721;"""…""" text20722;"""As usual, the two of us left the rehearsal studio last.""" text20723;"""So, let's go… home?""" text20724;"""I sounded unsure, but Ellie didn't seem to have paid any attention.""" text20725;"""No, I can't make it today. Grandpa wants to talk about something, so I'll have to stay at my place.""" text20726;"""Talk? About what?""" text20727;"""Don't worry — we aren't going to discuss any evil schemes.""" text20728;"""She frowned.""" text20729;"""Promise?""" text20730;"""Promise.""" text20731;"""Ellie kissed me goodbye, though somewhat coldly.""" text20732;"""Or it was just my imagination.""" text20733;"""…""" text20734;"""I was walking home, feeling somehow relieved.""" text20735;"""I could really use some good sleep, which would be a lot harder to get with Ellie in the same bed as me.""" text20736;"""There were a couple of blocks left before I reached home; I wasn't really paying attention, deep in my own thoughts, so it took some time for me to hear someone calling me.""" text20737;"""…san.""" text20738;"""Niko-san!""" text20739;"""Kagome was walking next to me within arm's reach and smiling.""" text20740;"""Niko-san, good evening.""" text20741;"""Evening…""" text20742;"""It seemed that we'd been seeing each other outside of school too often lately.""" text20743;"""Going home?""" text20744;"""Going home. And you?""" text20745;"""I asked only out of politeness.""" text20746;"""I had something to do after class — so I had to stay for a while.""" text20747;"""I see.""" text20748;"""Unless Kagome was going to walk all the way to her restaurant, she'd chosen a bad route — it would've been much easier to take a train at the nearest station from the school.""" text20749;"""Unless, of course, it was intentional.""" text20750;"""Iwamura-san…""" text20751;"""I said with a pointed politeness.""" text20752;"""I don't want to offend you, but recently we seem to be meeting eachother too often.""" text20753;"""Are you afraid that Kobayashi will be jealous?""" text20754;"""She squinted cunningly.""" text20755;"""That too. But most importantly, I have the feeling that you need something from me.""" text20756;"""I've already told you: I just want to thank you for saving my father and helping me.""" text20757;"""You've already done that.""" text20758;"""I said carefully.""" text20759;"""She suddenly paused for a moment.""" text20760;"""But it's always nicer when gratitude reaches the recipient, so to speak.""" text20761;"""I can only say once again that I had nothing to do with what happened, although I'm glad everything ended well.""" text20762;"""Come on, don't be modest!""" text20763;"""She suddenly laughed and jabbed me lightly with her elbow.""" text20764;"""I definitely didn't expect that from Iwamura.""" text20765;"""Do I look like a modest person?""" text20766;"""Right now — yes.""" text20767;"""We stopped at an intersection.""" text20768;"""Alright, see you tomorrow then!""" text20769;"""She said happily and headed for the nearest station.""" text20770;"""What the hell was that?""" text20771;"""…""" text20772;"""I returned home, made dinner, but had no appetite whatsoever.""" text20773;"""I just couldn't get Kagome's strange behavior out of my mind.""" text20774;"""I was sure she never did anything without a purpose, and maintaining a friendship with another person wasn't her style.""" text20775;"""I wondered if she had ever had friends.""" text20776;"""Besides, I was scared of how Ellie might react.""" text20777;"""I didn't want to give her the slightest reason for pointless jealousy, but at the same time, I couldn't do anything about Kagome.""" text20778;"""What, was I supposed to tell her to fuck off?!""" text20779;"""And I had an important concert tomorrow!""" text20780;"""My fingers hurt and my shoulder ached from the guitar strap.""" text20781;"""I went to bed around ten but couldn't fall asleep until the late in the night, constantly running through scenarios of me screwing up my first and apparently last stage appearance."""