text8585;"""Are dreams necessary to recover your strength and enjoy a proper night's rest?""" text8586;"""Sometimes after a drinking spree you see twisted, distorted nightmares and wake up feeling exhausted.""" text8587;"""And sometimes after a hard day's work you just fall asleep and vanish from the world of the living until morning.""" text8588;"""This time I saw no dreams.""" text8589;"""I opened my eyes when it was almost dinner time.""" text8590;"""Hammers were banging rhythmically somewhere in the distance and the air in the room was unbearably stuffy.""" text8591;"""My wet hair was sticking together and trying to get into my eyes, my dirty clothes were glued to my body, and the sour smell of day-old sweat hit my nose.""" text8592;"""Once I managed to get up, I realized I felt rested enough.""" text8593;"""The wound on the back of my head no longer seemed deadly, only making itself known when I tried to wash out the dried blood stuck in my hair.""" text8594;"""At least I'm alive.""" text8595;"""Himitsu's betrayal, Catherine's mother, the KGB, Kobayashi Corporation…""" text8596;"""It seemed I'd reached some sort of technological singularity — the number of new facts exceeded the limits of my brain's computational power.""" text8597;"""I could've handled one of these things, or, at least, lived with it, but when they came all at once…""" text8598;"""I guess I just got burnt out — no one could react to everything that had happened to me so calmly.""" text8599;"""People say there are things worse than death…""" text8600;"""In a sense, I had died spiritually: Himitsu — the person I held closest — had betrayed me, Catherine — the person I loved — didn't even consider me worthy of being called a human being.""" text8601;"""Wasn't that the case? Human beings have at least some rights…""" text8602;"""Nevertheless, I stubbornly refused to believe she had anything to do with it.""" text8603;"""Had Katya really been aware of her mother's plans all this time? Has she been lying cold-heartedly, looking me in the eye?""" text8604;"""Someone rang the doorbell.""" text8605;"""Every ring sounds louder or quieter — depending on whether you expect it or not.""" text8606;"""This one sounded completely normal to me, and I opened the door without a second thought — things couldn't get worse, could they…?""" text8607;"""It was Catherine…""" text8608;"""I stared at her silently, not knowing where to start.""" text8609;"""Are we going to just stand here?""" text8610;"""She eventually said, sounding annoyed.""" text8611;"""How did you even find the nerve…""" text8612;"""Whatever the case, I didn't want to talk on the street, so I turned around in a rather dashing manner, tapping my heels together, and quickly walked to the kitchen, as if remembering I'd set a pot on fire.""" text8613;"""Would you like some coffee?""" text8614;"""Katya followed me and stopped at the table, hesitating.""" text8615;"""Ah, sorry, I never have coffee… I can get you some tea.""" text8616;"""You're acting even weirder than usual today. And what did you—""" text8617;"""Don't want any? Alright then.""" text8618;"""I interrupted her, walked to the stove, and set a kettle.""" text8619;"""Katya sat down and gave me a questioning look.""" text8620;"""It was rare to see an expression of such genuine confusion on her face.""" text8621;"""I take it you came to continue yesterday's conversation?""" text8622;"""I jumped to her and loudly landed on the chair next to hers. Catherine flinched.""" text8623;"""My thoughts were completely messed up, I couldn't figure out who my enemies were and if I still had friends.""" text8624;"""We didn't talk yesterday.""" text8625;"""I guess so… Though I did have a very interesting conversation with someone else yesterday.""" text8626;"""Who with?""" text8627;"""Your mother. A very interesting, but at the same time unpleasant, talk.""" text8628;"""She bit her lip and looked away.""" text8629;"""Nothing to say?""" text8630;"""I… I don't know why she came…""" text8631;"""Came?""" text8632;"""I laughed and gave her a short summary of yesterday's events, leaving out the KGB, Himitsu, and other information not directly related to Winters family.""" text8633;"""Nick, I didn't know that she… I'm sorry!""" text8634;"""The look on Catherine's face made shivers run down my spine.""" text8635;"""It was an expression that would make you forgive someone you love even for genocide.""" text8636;"""But what mattered to me right now wasn't whether she deserved forgiveness, but whether she had known about her mother's actions.""" text8637;"""Looks very, you know, incoherent. Your story does, from the very beginning.""" text8638;"""Do forgive me for no longer being ready to take you on your word.""" text8639;"""I stood up and started walking back and forth across the kitchen.""" text8640;"""The return to Japan, the transfer to my class, these notes, and your mother…""" text8641;"""Why, Katya, why are you doing this to me? Couldn't you refuse? She'd do just fine without you.""" text8642;"""Catherine lowered her head, her hair hiding the face.""" text8643;"""I don't even blame you — I just want to understand, do you really care so little for me? Maybe you just hate me, and this is your revenge?""" text8644;"""Then just tell me!""" text8645;"""I didn't know, understand?!""" text8646;"""Finally she jumped off the chair, ran to me, and grabbed me by the collar.""" text8647;"""I… I always end up the one to blame! Because of my mother! She does something, and you think it's me!""" text8648;"""I don't think… I don't know…""" text8649;"""It was hard to look into her tearful eyes.""" text8650;"""What do you expect me to think in this situation?""" text8651;"""This is the real world, Katya, and we aren't Romeo and Juliet, kids from different warring factions.""" text8652;"""Maybe your mother doesn't want my immediate death, but how do you imagine our relationship?""" text8653;"""I grinned bitterly.""" text8654;"""Damn, I don't even know if I believe you or not.""" text8655;"""I really wanted to…""" text8656;"""Mom wouldn't do me any harm!""" text8657;"""Sure, but what stops her from harming me?""" text8658;"""Catherine let go of me and turned away.""" text8659;"""I realize what it looks like. I understand what you're thinking… and feeling.""" text8660;"""But that's not why I came here.""" text8661;"""Then why?""" text8662;"""Doesn't matter anymore…""" text8663;"""She said very quietly.""" text8664;"""\""Or because your mother sent you\"" — my inner sceptic objected with ease.""" text8665;"""\""For the documents I don't have.\""""" text8666;"""Do you think I'm that lonely?""" text8667;"""Aren't you?""" text8668;"""She looked at me with something like hope in her eyes.""" text8669;"""Well, I have Himitsu…""" text8670;"""I replied with a stupid giggle, sounding like I was making an excuse.""" text8671;"""Do you? And where is she?""" text8672;"""At her grandma's…""" text8673;"""The memory of what I had heard there stung in my chest, and Katya seemed to notice my reaction.""" text8674;"""So, I was right.""" text8675;"""I just sighed.""" text8676;"""When you read \""It's like I'm in a manga\"" in a manga, it only makes you smirk.""" text8677;"""What are you supposed to do when your real life starts resembling a Korean drama?""" text8678;"""Part melodrama and part spy thriller. I didn't even know which of them was more prevalent.""" text8679;"""So, you were right. Why don't I hear \""as usual\""?""" text8680;"""You can joke around even in a situation like this.""" text8681;"""She smiled sadly.""" text8682;"""What else can I do? I don't even really know what your mother wanted. Maybe you'll enlighten me?""" text8683;"""I've already told you, I don't know!""" text8684;"""The situation really was absurd…""" text8685;"""If I could simply seek solace with Himitsu, I would almost definitely not be having a talk with the daughter of my enemy.""" text8686;"""But I couldn't — and that changed everything drastically: it was hard to be alone, and Catherine, even though I couldn't be sure about her true motives…""" text8687;"""Catherine… I had no one one closer than her right now.""" text8688;"""And most importantly, I desperately desired said closeness, even in such a distorted and perverted form.""" text8689;"""Ahh…""" text8690;"""I assume you have no plans for the evening?""" text8691;"""She suddenly smiled and looked me in the eye.""" text8692;"""Except for sitting around waiting for the CIA, maybe…""" text8693;"""It'll all be in my report.""" text8694;"""I guess not, then…""" text8695;"""Let's go then.""" text8696;"""Is this a date?""" text8697;"""I don't even know.""" text8698;"""Catherine replied mysteriously.""" text8699;"""What was I expecting, really?""" text8700;"""That I would kick her out or berate her for her mother's actions?""" text8701;"""It didn't even matter what I'd been thinking a couple of days ago — those thoughts were caused by pain and resentment.""" text8702;"""And I should've known that everything would change as soon as I saw her again.""" text8703;"""I should've probably been angry at myself for my impotence and lack of will, but I was just happy that we were together again here and now.""" text8704;"""Catherine was walking by my side, but not too closely.""" text8705;"""What would I have been doing had Himitsu been home?""" text8706;"""I looked at Catherine — she was watching the huge TV screens displaying the strained performance of a popular singer.""" text8707;"""No, I wasn't ignoring the situation with Himitsu, I… just didn't want her to stand in our way now, when we were finally together.""" text8708;"""Well, you don't see that at every corner in the US.""" text8709;"""She said in an admiring tone.""" text8710;"""TV sets?""" text8711;"""I asked without much interest, mostly to keep the conversation going.""" text8712;"""Don't tell me you wouldn't want to have one at home! If you plugged in your game console, it'd almost feel like virtual reality!""" text8713;"""This kind of excitement was a bit much for her, but I was afraid to change the subject in fear that things would end in a fight again.""" text8714;"""Well, I guess.""" text8715;"""Afraid Himitsu will get mad at you again for playing too much?""" text8716;"""I wasn't even thinking about that…""" text8717;"""She laughed, too sincerely and even childishly.""" text8718;"""I grew embarrassed and looked away.""" text8719;"""Himitsu at least takes care of me…""" text8720;"""Then it's a pity she's not here — I'm sure she'd give you a lecture about all the harm video games cause.""" text8721;"""I was about to reply, but Catherine, accidentally or on purpose, brushed my hand with hers.""" text8722;"""I reached out to to take it — it was just an impulse, an instinct — but quickly held myself back.""" text8723;"""This situation wasn't normal, after all!""" text8724;"""Katya, why are we here?""" text8725;"""Just having a walk, aren't we?""" text8726;"""What is this for? After everything that's happened, we can't just walk together. You know that perfectly well…""" text8727;"""Her expression darkened immediately, even making her look a couple years older.""" text8728;"""If you don't like it…""" text8729;"""Katya turned into an alley and quickly started walking away from the trade district.""" text8730;"""I just tried to keep up.""" text8731;"""What do you even want from me? To tell you that I work for the CIA? Will that make you feel better?""" text8732;"""Why did you go with me then? Why are you here now?""" text8733;"""You've spent the entire time trying to think of a way to neatly take my hand!""" text8734;"""She noticed even that!""" text8735;"""If she really was working with her mother, then the CIA was in luck…""" text8736;"""You seem to know everything. And you're making good use of it.""" text8737;"""Then why do you think you're the only one who—""" text8738;"""Hello.""" text8739;"""A familiar voice interrupted her.""" text8740;"""Michael was standing in our way.""" text8741;"""Hello.""" text8742;"""I replied in a strained voice and immediately looked to Katya.""" text8743;"""She didn't look surprised at all, as if she had been expecting to meet him there.""" text8744;"""I wondered what part of our talk Michael had heard.""" text8745;"""What are you doing here?""" text8746;"""My voice sounded more displeased than hostile, like we were playing Dragons & Dungeons and I'd been forced to skip my turn.""" text8747;"""Am I interrupting?""" text8748;"""We're just—""" text8749;"""Wouldn't be polite to say it, but since you asked…""" text8750;"""Catherine interrupted me confidently.""" text8751;"""I understand.""" text8752;"""Why are you starting again…""" text8753;"""I grumbled at her.""" text8754;"""Catherine was looking at the two of us with the interest of an entomologist observing the meeting of a wasp and a mantis.""" text8755;"""You haven't interrupted anything! I was just surprised to see you… here…""" text8756;"""I looked around trying to understand where that \""here\"" was""" text8757;"""Why was I denying the fact that I wanted to be with her so stubbornly?""" text8758;"""Who I was trying to prove it to — him or myself?""" text8759;"""I mean…""" text8760;"""Michael looked at me like I was an idiot, which only made me mad.""" text8761;"""I immediately recalled our conversation about Catherine yesterday.""" text8762;"""We're just taking a walk. Something wrong with that?""" text8763;"""Nothing. You look good together, by the way.""" text8764;"""Thank you.""" text8765;"""He kept standing there, looking at me, as if waiting for something.""" text8766;"""Katya also seemed to be waiting for some kind of reaction from me.""" text8767;"""Everyone expected something of me — but silently, looking into my eyes with reproach, frowning, nodding their heads in understanding, and glancing at each other.""" text8768;"""Well it was nice talking to you.""" text8769;"""Was the only thing I managed to say.""" text8770;"""Alright, I'm not going disturb you two any longer.""" text8771;"""I didn't respond — and what could I say?""" text8772;"""Michael left, and I immediately snapped at Catherine:""" text8773;"""What the hell was that?!""" text8774;"""Did I say something wrong?""" text8775;"""Why give the guy the wrong impression?""" text8776;"""I think he understood everything correctly, actually.""" text8777;"""Oh Katya, Katya…""" text8778;"""Do you want everything to be exactly how it looks?""" text8779;"""Don't you?""" text8780;"""I'm sure that's impossible considering the circumstances. Your mother…""" text8781;"""My mother what?! What does she have to do with anything?! I understand things didn't work out well with her, but it was… an accident!""" text8782;"""An accident?!""" text8783;"""I shouted so loudly that the entire world around us went silent for a second, looking at the unexpected troublemaker in shock.""" text8784;"""When you get hit on the head, kidnapped, and interrogated! And the mother of the girl you love is behind it!""" text8785;"""Oh, so you still love me?""" text8786;"""I felt my face starting to flush but forced myself to continue:""" text8787;"""Don't change the subject!""" text8788;"""When too many accidents happen one after another, it's a system!""" text8789;"""What are you even trying to do here?""" text8790;"""Fine, whatever!""" text8791;"""She scoffed and prepared to leave.""" text8792;"""Got nothing else to say?""" text8793;"""Catherine was silent.""" text8794;"""I grabbed her hand, but she didn't even try to break free and stopped obediently.""" text8795;"""If you want to take revenge on me, be my guest…""" text8796;"""If it would really make you feel better…""" text8797;"""I can't change what my mother has done, but I can take your anger instead of her…""" text8798;"""Katya was clearly holding back something she didn't want to tell me.""" text8799;"""Something that I didn't understand at all and so was hurting her, although not intentionally.""" text8800;"""Sorry, I'm just confused…""" text8801;"""I let her go.""" text8802;"""Catherine didn't move.""" text8803;"""I don't know what to do. Maybe, I'm just afraid… Yes, I'm afraid!""" text8804;"""Afraid of you and myself and everything that can happen next.""" text8805;"""It's normal to be afraid.""" text8806;"""But is it normal to trust no one? Is it normal to expect every person you know to be an enemy?""" text8807;"""That's paranoia!""" text8808;"""And what if you have good reasons for it? Real reasons to suspect even the people closest to you?!""" text8809;"""Catherine couldn't know that I was talking about Himitsu — all that could be applied to her in the same way.""" text8810;"""Is it normal to live like that, Katya?""" text8811;"""I laughed and suddenly felt large tears rolling down my cheeks.""" text8812;"""I tried to wipe them but only spread them all over my face and felt so miserable that my only desire was to melt into the ground in an instant or disappear from this world in a quantum flash.""" text8813;"""I turned around and ran away.""" text8814;"""Home.""" text8815;"""Far from everyone I knew — from Michael, from Catherine.""" text8816;"""To crawl under a blanket and die of starvation.""" text8817;"""To hide away from fear, pain, friends and enemies, and myself.""" text8818;"""…""" text8819;"""My house wasn't that far, so I arrived before I got too tired.""" text8820;"""I stopped on the porch, and immediately heard somebody's loud breathing behind my back.""" text8821;"""I turned around and saw Catherine.""" text8822;"""What the hell?""" text8823;"""I asked in astonishment.""" text8824;"""She walked to me, all red and sweaty from the effort.""" text8825;"""Shut up!""" text8826;"""She snatched the keys out of my hands, quickly opened the door, and pushed me inside.""" text8827;"""What does this…""" text8828;"""Katya sealed my lips with a kiss and we fell to the floor.""" text8829;"""I was so shocked that I couldn't resist.""" text8830;"""Sometimes, you wait for something for so long that when it comes, you just can't believe it's real.""" text8831;"""Even if things weren't the way they had to be, we were together, here and now. And in the future — come what may.""" text8832;"""Somewhere in the depth of my mind I could hear the sound of the front door opening.""" text8833;"""Niko-kun!""" text8834;"""Was I still asleep?""" text8835;"""Niko-kun, are you home?""" text8836;"""Dreaming a dream about me lying in my room, Catherine sleeping peacefully nearby, and Himitsu coming to visit.""" text8837;"""To make dinner, maybe?""" text8838;"""The three of us would sit at a big dinner table, drink tea and eat pies, discuss school stuff, and laugh a lot.""" text8839;"""And then we would all fly to the moon, where we'd be met by violet hippopotamuses.""" text8840;"""Niko-kun, are you sleeping?""" text8841;"""I would never have thought that hippopotamuses were the dumbest animals on Earth!""" text8842;"""But we were on the Moon now, dancing in a circle with violet moon hippopotamuses…""" text8843;"""Fucking hell…!""" text8844;"""I quietly whispered, finally fully awake.""" text8845;"""Katya, get up! Katya!""" text8846;"""I tried to stir her up.""" text8847;"""What now…?""" text8848;"""Catherine mumbled in her sleep and tried to turn to the other side.""" text8849;"""Himitsu is here! Get up!""" text8850;"""She needed just a second to realize what was happening — Katya abruptly turned around and looked at me in confusion.""" text8851;"""There was something else in her eyes… Fear, a hope that I would deal with the situation?""" text8852;"""But what was I supposed to do? Hide her under the bed?""" text8853;"""Under different circumstances, it would even be funny.""" text8854;"""Niko-kun, are you here?""" text8855;"""Fuck…""" text8856;"""Catherine whispered vexedly.""" text8857;"""The panels slowly moved aside, and Himitsu entered the room.""" text8858;"""Katya only had the time to cover herself with a blanket.""" text8859;"""Himitsu looked at us and slowly uttered:""" text8860;"""Niko… kun…""" text8861;"""She didn't even look especially surprised — just carefully, unblinkingly, stared at us with her mouth slightly agape.""" text8862;"""Katty… chan…""" text8863;"""The worst that could happen — happened, and I had no expectations for what was to come next.""" text8864;"""To a certain degree, I was even interested in how this tragicomic situation would turn out.""" text8865;"""For who would it be a tragedy, and for who would it be a comedy?""" text8866;"""What if we all were to laugh at it and go drink tea with violet hippopotamuses?""" text8867;"""Excuse me…""" text8868;"""Himitsu finally forced out but did not move a muscle.""" text8869;"""Catherine suddenly hopped up from the bed, wrapped herself in the sheet, picked up her clothes from the floor, and ran out of the room, eyes cast down.""" text8870;"""Himitsu kept standing the doorway, stunned. Silently, like a memorial to my lapse from virtue.""" text8871;"""I don't know what to say.""" text8872;"""My voice sounded surprisingly calm and even a bit defiant.""" text8873;"""Like, \""what are you staring at me for?\""""" text8874;"""\""After what I learned about you yesterday, this is nothing!\""""" text8875;"""Himitsu didn't reply and simply left the room.""" text8876;"""Soon, the front door in the hall closed behind her.""" text8877;"""Well, this is it…""" text8878;"""I told the now-empty house, jerked myself up from the bed, and went to the kitchen.""" text8879;"""I had a stash somewhere — a bottle of whiskey left from my father.""" text8880;"""For some reason, he disliked vodka but at the same time thought Japanese sake was too weak.""" text8881;"""I opened it and poured half a glass.""" text8882;"""Perhaps in another situation, It would be nice to get some ice, but now it kind of slipped my mind.""" text8883;"""The fiery liquid scorched my throat and warmed my insides.""" text8884;"""What a disgusting aftertaste, after all! How could people like this stuff?""" text8885;"""I slowly sank down onto a chair and poured myself another glass.""" text8886;"""Now it was all over, over for sure…""" text8887;"""Even after Ito's phone call I had eavesdropped on, there was still some hope — what if I had simply misunderstood?""" text8888;"""What if it was a prank?""" text8889;"""Not that I had anyone to blame — it was obvious how things would turn out.""" text8890;"""And if subconsciously I had probably already come to terms with losing Catherine…""" text8891;"""And even reacted to the situation with her mother like an unfortunate accident more than anything.""" text8892;"""But Himitsu…""" text8893;"""To the last possible minute I refused to believe she do could something like that to me!""" text8894;"""Did it even matter what I believed now?!""" text8895;"""Did it matter if she had really betrayed me?""" text8896;"""Even if not, now it was all over!""" text8897;"""How the hell could I know?!""" text8898;"""My fist loudly hit the table, the glass fell to the floor, while the bottle of whiskey just jumped up slightly, landing in its rightful place with a dull sound.""" text8899;"""I looked at it closer: Scottish, with glass almost half a finger thick, it would take some effort to break.""" text8900;"""More effort than my relationship with Himitsu, as it turned out.""" text8901;"""I seemingly didn't care about Catherine anymore — it was my fault and there was nothing to do about it.""" text8902;"""But couldn't I have thought about the consequences?!""" text8903;"""Not just for myself, for her!""" text8904;"""I hate it!!!""" text8905;"""I yelled and grasped my head.""" text8906;"""I hate you!!!""" text8907;"""I was scared to admit to myself that I was talking about Catherine. After all, she wasn't to blame…""" text8908;"""I could've just refused!""" text8909;"""I could've…""" text8910;"""Another big gulp of whiskey calmed me down a little.""" text8911;"""Now I just had to figure out how to live from now on.""" text8912;"""Piece of cake!""" text8913;"""I smirked and cast a dull glance at the bottle.""" text8914;"""I'll call… I'll call her now…""" text8915;"""…""" text8916;"""Some time later, the voice of Himitsu's father sounded in the receiver.""" text8917;"""Hello.""" text8918;"""What if she'd told him everything?""" text8919;"""No, that would be nonsense!""" text8920;"""What if she was crying in her room right now? And then I would barely coherently ask to call her to the phone…?""" text8921;"""And what could I even say to Ito after what I'd learned about him?""" text8922;"""Hello!""" text8923;"""I hung up and returned to the kitchen.""" text8924;"""On the other hand, drinking myself to death sounds like quite the idea!""" text8925;"""I grabbed the bottle and sucked on it. One gulp, another…""" text8926;"""I barely suppressed my gag reflex.""" text8927;"""I managed to down about a half before I started feeling too sick.""" text8928;"""The walls of the kitchen were rocking, the floor pretending it was the ceiling for some reason.""" text8929;"""I couldn't fully understand what I had lost and if I had anything left at all.""" text8930;"""Perhaps tomorrow Himitsu would pretend nothing had happened? Or would she sulk? Or pretend I don't exist…?""" text8931;"""Maybe that's what Catherine was after? To take revenge on me…""" text8932;"""But God, for what?!""" text8933;"""…""" text8934;"""I finished the whiskey and was just sitting, staring ahead.""" text8935;"""It was far into the night, and the silence of sleeping Tokyo was hinting, clearer with every minute, that I had died.""" text8936;"""I didn't want to cry, it was as if I'd forgotten how to.""" text8937;"""Evolved, casting all unneeded feelings and emotions away like an atavism.""" text8938;"""I would be able to go on living automatically, like the robots from science fiction novels.""" text8939;"""Would be able to live — exist — and then I'd just stop…""" text8940;"""But why wait at all then?""" text8941;"""My cowardice and self-pity made me feel unbearably disgusted.""" text8942;"""As if I had a goal in life, a mission!""" text8943;"""A greater destiny like those spaceship pilots from Kyousuke's anime!""" text8944;"""I wished it was that way!""" text8945;"""If I couldn't live for myself, I would gladly give my life for someone or something else to finally fill it with meaning!""" text8946;"""Perhaps Himitsu needed me once, but not anymore…""" text8947;"""The old, dusty tatami slowly began to approach and then I lay on something soft, like a cloud, flying off to the land of dreams, where there was no tomorrow and no yesterday, no pain and no suffering, only happiness and justice for all…""" text8948;"""I was sitting behind my desk, staring out the window.""" text8949;"""The teacher was monotonously muttering something about the history of Japan's middle ages.""" text8950;"""God, why did I need to know any of that?""" text8951;"""Shoguns, katanas, and harakiri had all been left in the distant past. Now we were launching satellites into the cosmos, crossing oceans in mere hours, and possessed the universal right of suffrage.""" text8952;"""At least most of us did.""" text8953;"""Now, if I were a samurai in ancient Japan…""" text8954;"""The bell to recess rang.""" text8955;"""Hi. What's your daydream about?""" text8956;"""Catherine approached me.""" text8957;"""You, of course!""" text8958;"""I can imagine.""" text8959;"""She smiled mysteriously.""" text8960;"""I'm sure you want to be here as little as I do.""" text8961;"""Well, I guess!""" text8962;"""Katya let out a joyful laugh.""" text8963;"""And where would you like to be?""" text8964;"""In that park…""" text8965;"""That park?""" text8966;"""That very park…""" text8967;"""Ah, uh, yeah, sure.""" text8968;"""I grew somewhat embarrassed but was saved by Himitsu as she entered the class.""" text8969;"""Niko-kun, Katty-chan!""" text8970;"""Hey!""" text8971;"""Hello.""" text8972;"""You know, I just… Wanted to ask if you want to go to the new ice cream cafe at the station.""" text8973;"""Unless the two of you have a date planned, I mean.""" text8974;"""She added impishly.""" text8975;"""There's no da…""" text8976;"""Yeah, exactly, we're going on a date!""" text8977;"""Catherine bent down and firmly grasped my hand.""" text8978;"""Alright, I won't be a bother then.""" text8979;"""Himitsu said and was already about to leave.""" text8980;"""You aren't really…""" text8981;"""I guiltily mumbled.""" text8982;"""No, she is.""" text8983;"""Catherine's voice sounded unusually rude.""" text8984;"""Katya, what are you…""" text8985;"""Oh, so I am?""" text8986;"""Himitsu turned around and gave the two of us a forbidding look.""" text8987;"""Imagine that!""" text8988;"""Girls, don't fight…""" text8989;"""I timidly tried to interfere.""" text8990;"""Maybe it's you who'd better leave? Just so you know, things had been going wonderfully for Niko-kun and me until you came back to Japan.""" text8991;"""Wonderfully? With a hypocritical bitch like you?!""" text8992;"""Alright! I'm not here!""" text8993;"""I decided to demonstratively take myself out of the picture.""" text8994;"""But you really aren't, Nick.""" text8995;"""Catherine said, surprised.""" text8996;"""What…?""" text8997;"""You killed us. All of us!""" text8998;"""In a single moment, the class was flooded with red light coming from everywhere at once.""" text8999;"""Bloodied students with faces distorted in inhuman grimaces appeared from under the desks.""" text9000;"""Half the head of one was missing, the other's arm was swinging on sinew alone, and a girl with torn off lower body was crawling at me.""" text9001;"""I shifted my gaze to Catherine, desperately looking for protection…""" text9002;"""She was deathly pale, covered with a blood-stained bridal net.""" text9003;"""Is this how you wanted everything to end?""" text9004;"""Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, and I saw Himitsu with a giant hatchet sunk to the center of her head.""" text9005;"""Why, Niko-kun…? I loved you so much! I thought we would always be together!""" text9006;"""I loved you too…""" text9007;"""It was as if Catherine's voice was coming from under the ground — cold, distant, filled with pain and endless suffering.""" text9008;"""You could have chosen me.""" text9009;"""Or me.""" text9010;"""SHUT UP ALREADY!""" text9011;"""What was this? Was I going insane?""" text9012;"""I didn't know what was going on, didn't want to know!""" text9013;"""I didn't do anything wrong! It's you… It's all your fault!""" text9014;"""You…""" text9015;"""I looked at Himitsu.""" text9016;"""If you really love me and want to be with me, you could've been more assertive. We've been together as friends for so many years, don't you understand?""" text9017;"""I'm just afraid to do something wrong, to screw up and destroy this connection between us. One today is worth two tomorrows.""" text9018;"""How can I know if things will work out for us, if…""" text9019;"""And you!""" text9020;"""I turned to Catherine.""" text9021;"""Do you even understand yourself?! Do you know what you are doing and why you are doing it?!""" text9022;"""If you no longer feel anything for me and don't care about me, then why do you act like you do?! Do you think I'm a complete idiot?!""" text9023;"""You didn't have to return! You could've convinced your mother to transfer you to a different school! Who'd believe all this nonsense! Or did you just want to torture me?!""" text9024;"""The flow of blood from Himitsu's head grew stronger, and Catherine's net, now resembling a grave shroud, couldn't hide the empty sockets of the fleshless skull.""" text9025;"""You… both of you… But why?!""" text9026;"""Niko-kun…""" text9027;"""Nick…""" text9028;"""You killed us!""" text9029;"""NO!!! NO!!!""" text9030;"""I screamed so hard I ran out of air.""" text9031;"""I screamed so hard I became deaf from my own scream.""" text9032;"""I screamed so hard I melted into this horror.""" text9033;"""And echoing around me was the devilish, sepulchral laughter of the only people I really loved…""" text9034;"""…""" text9035;"""My scream was silent, I lay paralyzed, unable to even open my mouth.""" text9036;"""The insides of my head rang with howls, but the room was absolutely silent.""" text9037;"""I tried to move my hand but achieved no result.""" text9038;"""Instantly, a dark silhouette of a man in a long robe seemed to emerge in the far corner of the room.""" text9039;"""He seemed to be gleaming with gloom, burning with darkness, flaming tongues coldly scorching me even from this far.""" text9040;"""The clock was slowly ticking, ever slower with each passing moment…""" text9041;"""Finally, he started to approach me, his movements as unhurried as the run of the secondhand.""" text9042;"""When he reached the bed, it felt like every single second lasted at least an hour.""" text9043;"""And then he leaned over me, his hands pressed strongly on my ribcage.""" text9044;"""I was suffocating.""" text9045;"""With the last bits of strength, I tried to scream, but he was still mute.""" text9046;"""I peered into the hood and couldn't see the face.""" text9047;"""I knew it was death…"""